Why is teaching the hardest job ever?




Teaching is one of the hardest jobs in the world. As I am also an English teacher, I am the one who experiences all the difficulties of it. Even though it gives you pleasure to teach something and transfer your knowledge people, it really takes a lot of things away from you. First of all, people must understand that we are also human beings. Thus, there are some moment when teachers are unhappy and dismotivated, but we should do our best not to reflect this to our teachers

Teaching is really hard and there are many reasons for it, including the ones happening inside and outside the classroom. If I need to mention about the ones happening inside the class, it is really hard to communicate with people from different age groups and backgrounds. They may all have some different problems. When I look at my teenage students, I can see them completely busy with their homework from school and I can't motivate them to study English that I teach




When you work in a private school, you have to make sure that your all students are happy with their presence in the school as they basically pay money. This is another problem that puts the teachers under pressure. As I said, many of my teenage students have a lot of homework and it is hard to keep them motivated in my lessons. The same problem occurs with my adult students who are working in some places. As they are working really hard, they can't be effective in the class and feel down.

When they come with high expectations and can't make them happen because of the reasons that I listed above, they feel down and once again we are the ones who have to motivate them with our speeches and actions. Basically, If you want to be a good teacher in a private school, you have to do more than teaching. What you are doing in a private school is more than teaching, you can't just write the rules on the board and leave the class. You have to be with them all the time.




When we talk about teaching specifically, that requires more effort from you. As teaching a language needs more than explaining rules, you have to show lots of diversity in the class to help your students have a good process in learning. English teachers have to improve themselves every day, trying new techniques to create better ways to teach the language more effectively. It really is a hard thing to achieve especially ıf your students are not so much involved.

In related to this, teachers also must do a lot of preparations before the class. As we need to prove some activities to our students in the classroom, we must be well prepared for everything. If you think of one lesson's duration as 45 minutes, you have to get yourself prepared for at least 30 minutes before the lesson. We sometimes need to have 2 or 3 classes following each other without any breaks, in that case it becomes much more tiring!



Teachers' life

There are also many problems outside the classroom. Like all other normal people, we have another life outside the classroom. When we look at many countries in our world, it is pretty normal to see teachers working for too many hours and getting almost nothing in return of their hard work. It really affects teachers' life and leave them desperate while coping with their life duties outside the classroom.

When teachers are not happy with their lives, it deeply affects the education system in the country and of course learners. Motivation is the key word to have a better education system in a country. When teachers are not motivated with their salaries and working hours, they can't feel motivated to teach something to their students. They feel like If they don't get appreciated, why should they put a lot of effort in teaching? Governments must put a lot of attention on this issue



Final note

These are the problems I personally have every day. Many teachers on steemit and in all countries are facing with these problems every day, so I hope things will get better for educators in the future. Thank you for reading and Steem on!


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