Young, Brave and Free!




When we are young, there is nothing that can stop us unless we want things to block our way. When I think about myself, I am glad to say that I have managed to live my youthness as I wish and I am still doing my best to enjoy it even though it is not same anymore. Today, I would like to give some tips to young people and remind them how important it is to be young and take advantages of it as it can be too late for many things when we are over 30.

When we are young, the only thing putting barrier in front of us is university, I guess. It can limit our time, but fortunately there is still some time to explore and take advantage of those great times. When we are young, we don't have many responsibilities since we are seen as students who are supposed to only study and get financial support from our families If they are capable of doing that of course. That's why, there are lots of things that we can do to enjoy those valuable times.




The best thing would be travelling If you have courage to do that. I know that people are usually afraid of taking new steps and I can observe it a lot when I look at my students. We must be aware of the fact that when we are young, we have lots of opportunities since we are not bounded to anything. When we finish our education , then start new life by putting a lot of effort in finding a job and earning money, we will realize that being young is really great as it gives so much freedom to us.

Travelling doesn't have to happen outside your country. You can even have daily tours to some places where many of us rarely know. When I talk to my students, they usually tell me that they would like to see some popular countries, but they have no idea about their own cultures and historical places of their countries. Hitchhiking can spice up your valuable time and make it more fun as there is no need to be shy when you are in your early 20's. Roads are waiting for you!



Comfort zone

Your comfort zone might make you feel great. I know that many people still prefer to live with their families and can't do anything without them. When we are young, we should be away from our comfort zone for a while so that we can explore and see our limits. If we can't do that, we can develop ourselves and feel weak when we start the life after university. Experiences are not given to you, they must be gained by yourself. Nobody will hand them to you, you have to break your chains and go on adventures to get them.

Personally, I lived for 3 years in Ankara, which is the capital of Turkey. The conditions in my dormitory were not so good and I had to share my room with 6 people. My family wasn't wealthy enough to give me whatever I want so I had to be responsible and careful with my expenses. It helped me a lot to shape my characteristic. Life outside of my comfort zone was not easy, but it surely helped me to be a better person.




When we are young, we usually make a lot of mistakes, but they are not very important as there is a lot of time to correct them. That's why, we shouldn't feel so sad about past and enjoy the time that we are living now. Future is not clear , but it will surely be better in some point. If we spend a lot of time in thinking about future, we will sadly notice that we spent our most important times in just worrying for nothing indeed, because changement in life is inevitable.

We shouldn't give the chance to anybody telling them we can't live without them. When you are young, it is possible to have different partners in your life, but they shouldn't keep you away from your dreams. You never know how long you are going to be with that person. There have some people around me who spent their entire time with their so-called amazing partners. When they unfortunately broke up with them, they noticed that it was all for nothing, and they couldn't do many things just because of those people who kept them busy.




Life is great even though there are many up and downs which might make you feel sad. The best part of our life is the time when we are young. These are all my opinions. I would like to learn what you think about life. That would be nice to see your comment in this post. Thank you for taking your time in reading this. Steem on!


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