Everyone has their favorite place. There are different reasons why this places are special for them. There is only one special reason for me in this places: name of the place: Lumiere Every filmmaker knows that Lumiere Brothers is special. They are known as the inventors of cinema. Actually, I do not fully agree with this. The invention of cinema is much more complicated. But the first names that come to mind when you think of cinema are Lumiere Brothers. So when I saw the cafe I decided to go there immediately. When I came in, the name of the cafe no longer mattered. I do not know why, but this cafe was just for me.

One of the most beautiful parts of this cafe is the employees. They are very polite people. You can chat with them except ordering something. Even one of them read my post. I had a pretty good idea about my post from her. Another time I talked about steemit with them. they love idea of steemit and they say they will come soon. I look forward to writing with them in the cafe.

I do not know why, but I'm hungry when I write a post. If i do'n eat something, i can not keep writing post. So foods in places is so important for me. The food in this place is also excellent. I can order something when my stomach is open. Foods are clean and tasty.

I know this is so cliche that a filmmaker writing posts in Lumiere Cafe. But name of the cafe effects me. Probobly maybe this is psychological. I usually write posts about cinema. But in what topic do I write my posts, this is my favorite place. As if everything is designed to be enjoyable writing. It's actually a bit far from where I live. It's same city but still far. But when I'm going to write an important post, I go there without any hesitation. Because my ideas are more important than distance.
Addres of the Cafe: Istanbul - Beyoglu / Cihangir - No:7, 34433 Cukurcuma
Photo Source: Zomato
If you want to visit that cafe in Istanbul, contact me. We go there together and write sweet posts.