Sndcastle & Steemit Community Growth [Update 1]

Sndcastle Projects are a new collaborative initiative of Sndbox. We’re working with Steemit community leaders around the world to foster social, creative, and community impact. Our aim is to support and promote Steemit accelerator hubs, encouraging meetups, onboarding and local hotspots.

Building Bigger Sndcastles

Last month, we announced our ambition to help establish international Steemit communities that empower regional groups and cultivate purposeful STEEM-powered action. These are our Sndcastle projects.

At the time in early September, we were prompted to start this initiative as a core component of Sndbox after conversations with Sndbox Steward @donkeypong. Many non-english communities unfortunately do not have access to sustained support on Steemit and we wanted to nurture a system that incorporates elements of curation, mentoring, project-development, and general community building to buttress the growth of these groups. We immediately started with the Nigerian community with the @stach account and Turkish community in the @tach page.

Today, our members have developed 5 full-fledged Sndcastles in Turkey, Malaysia, Nigeria, Indonesia, and the Philippines. In this post, we will introduce our new organizations and outline some of their goals.



@steemph.cebu is a large group led by appointed leader @jassennessaj to spearhead Steemit growth and impact in the city of Cebu and neighboring regions in the Philippines. They’ve been leveraging Sndbox resources and the community to bolster their meetups , resource development, and have even started incredible social initiatives including their latest food drive fundraiser.



@myach is located out of Malaysia as a collaborative project between hashtag-teammalaysia curators. Led by @bitrocker2020, the initiative has already designated an official space for Malaysians to gather and learn about Steemit through free events.



@indo-community is the newest of the Sndcastles, focusing on the rapid growth of the Indonesian community. Run by @aiqabrago and @levycore, the group has led massive meetups in the country and now plans to use this account to more effectively support all of its new members.



@tach is led by @monomyth and has already gathered a tight-knit and dedicated Turkish community who are all committed to building TR impact. Their community account focuses on resource development and multimedia engagement to bring Steemit growth to Turkey.



@stach is led by @ejemai and operates out of a dedicated hub in Port Harcourt, Nigeria. @ejemai focuses on in-house community events and bringing on new users with their in-house amenities. Recently, the Sndcastle looks to grow its impact to other Nigerian cities as well.

For more information on Sndcastles, see our original post here.


Want to support Steemit authors like these? Consider joining our curation trail! You can learn more about the @sndbox incubator mission here.

Interested in becoming a @sndbox member? Learn more about our nomination process here.

Thank you for reading this week’s State of the Sndbox.

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