Alcoholism: The First Triple Digit Sobriety Post And Thoughts About Changing The World Through Steemit.

Day 102 of Sobriety! Two days past 100 days. Over halfway to 200! There are still days the pinching happens to make sure this is real.

It's finally becoming a lot easier to get through the days.There are many days that beer doesn't even cross the mind. What a change from even a month ago.

It is funny how old habits die hard, though. The other day I went to the store. My mind must have been somewhere else, because before I knew it I was standing in the beer cooler!


I knew something was off, but I had to get my mind wrapped around where exactly I was at. It felt like I was in an episode of the Twilight Zone. When I realized where I was at, all I could do is laugh.

I mean there I was...standing in the Beer Cave, right in front of my favorite beer. But I had no intention of buying beer, nor did I want it. I had done my old routine of walking to the back of the store and into the beer cave.

When I exited the beer cave and went up to the checkout counter to buy a pack of smokes, the guy who always helps me said,"Why don't I see you anymore? Why no beer?". It was an awesome feeling to tell him I had been sober for over three months!

He just gave me the weirdest look of like,"Dude, you were just in the Beer Cave".


There are other things I still do that I use to do when I was drinking. For example, I will open up the fridge and reach for the bottom drawer to grab a beer out. I have to stand there and think to myself, "What are you looking for down here?". Then I realize what I am doing.

Other times I will go to twist the lid off a can of pop. One day I almost cut off my finger because I got it jammed in the mouth of a can from trying to twist it open after I had already opened it! I use to always put my lid back on my bottle of beer after I had taken a drink to keep it colder longer.

Instead of drinking and being destructive; these days I am getting up early and trying to figure out ways to help the world.


The current project I am working on is #OperationMosquito. Currently it involves working with a fellow Steemian in Nigeria that will try different mosquito repelling products and plants to see what works. Additionally, the Steemian is going to try natural herbs to help prevent and aid in the side effects of Malaria. Once we figure out what works then hopefully we can start sending these packages all over Nigeria. Training on how to use the herbs and products will be the crucial part.

A post will be out tomorrow(Friday) explaining the project more.

There will also be some Veterans related projects coming down the pike. Tons of brainstorming happening on those now. A Steemit related Tiny House Community for Homeless and PTSD Veterans with gardening and blogging as therapeutic tools is the ultimate goal. This will be a HUGE project, but if we don't shoot for the stars, how will we ever land on the moon?

I could keep going on and on about the thoughts for the projects but I want to see them put into action.

Actions prove who someone is, words just prove who they want to be -Unknown

The sobriety blog posts will continue as it's very therapeutic for my recovery. They may not be as frequent because of the time it will take to devote to other projects.

I've spent years being destructive, now I want to spend the time I have left on this earth being productive for my fellow humanoids.

Here's To the First 102 days of the rest of my life!

Think you can be of help on any of the projects I have listed? Contact me on

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Article explaining inspiration

I mostly story post about my sobriety, family, effects of war, and the crazier parts of my life. However, if it interests me I may just Steem about it! Steem on Steemians!

Awesome Veteran Logo designed by @guiltyparties

Community Challenge Logo used with permission by @merej99

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