Tavistock V: The New Age "Conspiracy"


[Auth. Note] I had no idea that this was going to become so big. I had originally planned on a 1 or 2 parter about Tavistock & the Beatles. I thank all my readers for their patience- the end is almost in sight. Believe it or not, this is actually leading somewhere... To the Clinton Foundation, Haiti, Human/Child sex trafficking and even Pizzagate.

I dislike the term conspiracy, not only because of the negative connotation that it has taken on, but I object to the legal definition as well. Legally, a conspiracy can be almost any association. With the advent of RICO anti-racketeering statutes a conspiracy is pretty much anything the government (or prosecutors) want it to be. For example, if I was the head of a criminal enterprise and forbade the killing of any law enforcement officials and one of my associates did so, I also would be legally culpable even though I expressly gave orders against it. What i prefer, certainly as it pertains to Tavistock and it's network is the term- Similarity of Purpose. I find this to be more accurate. Perhaps even Singularity of Purpose, but Similarity will do.

At this point it might prove useful to provide a timeline showing the psycho-philosophical underpinnings of Tavistock. Where did the ideas originate and who set things in motion. John Rawlings Reese didn't think all this up on his own. Tavistock is a result, perhaps a natural outcome of the teachings of Madame Helena Blavatsky and her Theosophical Society. Blavatsky's contribution is in the perception that human beings are improvable...that we can become our own gods. If humans are improvable, then they must be programmable. Enter, Sigmund Freud and by extension Aleister Crowley.

This is why I use the term psycho-philosophical. Tavistock has a psychological based philosophy...it is "therapeutic," if you will. In a book I was writing about the Clintons and the New World Order, I call it Therapeutic Fascism. However, I digress. In order for Tavistock and its network of attendant organizations to work, a compliant public is necessary. Like I said before, this is not necessarily a conspiracy, but a system of organizations with similarity of purpose. It spreads out, what I call the Kudzu Effect, throughout the country. For anyone unaware, Kudzu is a vine that grows in South America. Gov. George Wallace brought it to America to help combat erosion on the side of highways in Alabama and now it has pretty much taken over the Southern United States. Like Kudzu, Tavistock is spreading its psycho-philosophy throughout America.

They use Freud's trauma based methods to infiltrate the American psyche. When JFK was killed, America lost its innocence- or so I've read. Whether or not Tavistock was involved, I have no idea- the point is moot, it happened. Tavistock is responsible for the Beatles which provided them with the one/two punch necessary to implement the New Age philosophy. I recommend watching this video in its entirety. I believe it's narrated by Bill Cooper, but I may be mistaken. What it contains is a quote by Aldous Huxley, a student of Crowley. He is also brother of Julian Huxley, the eugenicist and grandson of Thomas Huxley who was responsible for much of Charles Darwin's theories (in fact I've heard that the theory was actually Huxley's). See how this all comes together? Huxley pretty much lays out the entire Tavistock plan. It's important to see all of it because it talks near the end about all of the institutions mentioned in Part IV and will be of importance later when discussing the educational system and drugging of America to "keep her docile."

Of equal importance to the New Age plan was the "hippie" scene and influence of rock music. This next video talks about the Laurel Canyon scene, drugs, music, the US Military and CIA. This is all part of the Tavistock network. The Beatles were the heralds of the New Age. Other groups, many of whose members had family ties to the "establishment" that they were supposed to be so opposed to, particularly the military.

I know this might be hard to follow so here are links to previous articles

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