The Possible Reason of The Increasing Number of Children in Conflict with the Law

The Possible Reason of The Increasing Number of Children in Conflict with the Law

The increase in population of the children in conflict with the law is an alarming issue where the Philippines could lose the essence of one of most famous quotes from the country's national hero, Jose Rizal that says "Ang kabataan ang pag-asa ng bayan," which means 'the youth are the hope of the nation' in English. These children have an active involvement in robbery, theft or being pickpockets, drug using and property crimes. 


The 2015 records of city jail shows that the majority of youth law offenders are involved in drug trafficking. Moreover, data gathered from the Davao City Social Services and Development Office in the same year state that rugby and vulca-seal youth addicts comprise 68.7% out of 100% of the population of all the solvent users while being pickpockets and any other similar activities of stealing got 31.5% and 88% of curfew violators among the youth.    

The children in conflict with the law have suffered different pressures such as financial crises, feeling of revenge, family problems and social pressures. Among these many factors, below are the list of the common experiences of these youth law-breakers.     

Bad Parenting 

One thing that boosts the tolerance of these children is the lack of parental guidance in checking the behavior of these children. The parents, however, themselves also suffer problems such as the problem of poverty that they even encourage their kids to steal for food or living or to support the economic needs of the family. They also serve as the main actors of such crimes since their parents know that the Philippine laws do not imprison people aged below 18.    

Another factor of bad parenting is the lack of high education on the side of the parents. Most of the parents have only attained elementary education and few of them have reached high school but have never gone to college causing them not to gain decent jobs to provide the needs of their children. Almost all the mothers of the children in conflict with the law are housewives. Second in ranking goes to helpers. On the part of the fathers, most of them are manual workers such as construction workers. Another is cigarette vendors. In general, the jobs of the children's parents have salaries that are below minimum wage.     

Bad Circle of Friends 

Another common factor is the influence of the peers. Most of these vulnerable children fear to be the outcast and seek of social acceptance around certain social peers. In order to be part of the group, they are forced to deviate. They are also afraid that they might be bullied once they refuse the offer. They do not want to go home crying just because a friend just punched the face. These children may or may not know the consequences of their actions, but they do not mind the after-effect of their behaviors. All that matters to them to belong to the society they have been engaged in.     

Unhealthy Social Environment 

This is the generalization of the preceding two factors such that bad parenting can be a product of the bad influence of the environment resided as well as the bad influence of the peers are a manifestation of the unhealthy social environment. It is a sort of domino effect ranging from the social problem of poverty down to the issue of family causing the members of the society not to follow the rules anymore. It is passed through the younger generation. These children may not know what the laws are but they are already taught not to fear them as they would never benefit from it.     

Distrust in the Government 

This case may not be of the children in conflict with the law, but this is the sentiment of the parents. They have witnessed how the government has failed to address the problems of the society and, instead, they become even poorer. As part of their revenge and yet fearful to get incarcerated, they tend to use their minor children for some robbery and other crimes that can earn them money. They have also tolerated their children to use illegal drugs, and even advise them how to escape from any attempt of raid or confrontation from the law enforcers.      


The parents of these children see joblessness as the output of the corrupt government. Based on the interview conducted in barangays Saray and Villaverde, Iligan City, Philippines, 96% of the respondents state that the government has only strengthened the law of contractualization that ended their jobs at several fast-food restaurants and in the government, which gave them difficulties in providing the needs of their children. They have tried to discipline their children in any way they could, but they have only been confronted by the children about their inability to give them their material needs.   

Whatever it is, the deviant behaviors of the children are the things the parents are accountable for. Like many people would say that it comes first in the enculturation process by the parents. Regardless of the unhealthy social environment, if the parents have ever built a strong foundation of values to the family, the children would have always been guided by these principles.    

The case is not only happening in the Philippines. Many countries do have this problem. Meaning to say, wherever it is and whatever culture we have, the family is still the greatest factor that determines the behavior and ways of thinking of the children. 

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