The solar coach

Did you notice that is is very easy to coach someone who wants to practice his passion ?

You only have to show him where are the tools and he will immediatly start to learn and work.
The most difficult part is probably to help him to save some time to properly execute his passion.

The solar developer tool kit is a kit of tools that allow you to :
*Promote solar energy
*Help you to develop your own business as a solar coach

As I explained it in my previous post, the perfect mix for renewable energy, we need more solar energy. Solar energy should furfill 35 % of our need when it provides only 1% of them today.

There is a lot of work to be done to convince people to invest $ 500 into solar energy.

I do not expect that government will do something effective anymore. They never have been strong supporters of solar energy, because they are advised by people from the oil & gas industry.

So I am counting on us.

I will convince you that investing $ 500 is the best investment you have to do to prepare your future and the future of your children.

You don't need to have a roof to be equipped, people living in large cities, who represent 90 % of the worldwide population do not have enough roof surfaces to produce 35 % of their needs.

You can invest into collective projects or lend your money to solar projects.

Then you can join me to find new solar coach.
We need an army of solar coach.

You will earn $ 1000 each time you will coach a new solar apprentice.
The apprentice is paying $1 500 to be coached.
*$1 000 to the previous level (the person who has recruit him)
*$ 500 to the second upper level
This is a two level marketing system that make incomes equal for every body into the organization.

Our aim is to develop solar energy, not to become rich.
But we still desire a right level of incomes for our work which is to coach people to convince them to invest into solar energy.

I would be pleased to read your comments.

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