The Old Dog Reports: Something Powerful is Flowering in Ticino!

 I have been fascinated to see two of these technological marvels that have been "planted" in a town near my home. Their installation is a collaboration between the "city" of Chiasso and Age SA, a local electrical company.  

This Smartflower has been "planted" in a roundabout near my home.

Smartflower is Designed to Both Look Good And Produce Energy  

The design is an attempt to combine the functionality of solar panels with the beauty of an appealing design. It was produced for those that don’t have the possibility of using a classic roof top solar panel installation and would like something on the ground that doesn’t look ugly!   

Here is another installation where you see the "flower" in the closed position.

A closeup of the motor mechanism which allows the "flower" to track the sun and produce 40% more energy!

I took this shot to give an idea of the size and thickness of the panels.

How Does it Work?    

Its “petals” open with the rising of the sun exposing their 18 square meters of solar panels and then close when the sun goes down. It is also able to track the sun using GPS signals and a low energy motor and in this way it mimics the actions of a sunflower.     

How Much More Energy Can It Produce Using The Sun Tracking GPS System? 

According to the designers the Smartflower can produce 40% more power than stationary panels. According to data the flower is able to produce 3,500- 4,500 kWh a year which would be the energy needed for a complete household in Europe. The idea is to use these flowers even in areas that are not on an electrical grid.    

 Quick Facts About Smartflower  

  • Can be moved from one location to another.  
  • Comes complete with controls, panels and an inverter.  
  • It can be used in both public and private spaces. 
  • It is available in various colors 
  • It has a built in self-cleaning mechanism 
  • The cost is about 20,000 Euros
  • It is produced in Austria  

The "flower" is available in various colors. This photo is from all others are mine.

Here's a Quick Video About the Smartflower

Things to Think About!

  • Do you find the design beautiful?
  • Would you like one for your property if you had the space?
  • Do you use alternative energy?
  • What interesting alternative energy innovations have you seen?

I hope that you enjoyed this article about what is "flowering" in my area!

Until next time,

@kus-knee (The Old Dog)

Remember, I reward the best comment(s) on each of my posts with my "The Old Dog is Throwing You a Bone" program! So please re-steem and follow so that we can spread the wealth!     

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