South Africa protesting for a corrupt president to step down...

After firing the finance and other key ministers and replacing them with his puppets, cronies and loyalists, the citizens have had enough.

A week later a nation wide call, to not go to work and protests in many major cities and minor towns.

Fitch has just downgraded SA to junk status to add to the S&P downgrade last week.

Ariel view of protesters gathering in Pretoria (from police helicopters)

Johannesburg (from police helicopters)

So far no serious violence, although supporters of the beleaguered president are counter marching with shots fired, teargas and rubber bullets being used to disperse crowds and keep opposite marches apart.

I'm in a building two blocks from the Pretoria gathering and the atmosphere is electric. Even the Harley Davidson and biker clubs have arrived in convoy and are joining the protesters around the country.

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