Making Ham from Spam ?

Personally I joined the Steemmunity to connect with other like minds, get some of my creative juices flowing and on 'paper'. Sharing content with people that will add value to their lives is what it's about for me. I also have a strong opinion about certain things and like to add my 2 cents here and there in a respectful manner.

Spam should be cooked in a pan - you don't Steem it!

Granted, I am not a seasoned Steemian, just a newbie here, but I have noticed a dramatic increase in 'low quality', pasta-la-basta content being shared here. Many comments that I see are nice, but don't add any value to the post itself and sometimes has nothing to do with the subject being discussed!

Am I the only one noticing this or being affected by it? 

How can we make ham out of the spam?

Here are some idea's that I have that might help:

  • Communicate with the spam-artists and educate them (help them realize that posting something where an effort has been invested is more sustainable in the long ruin - it benefits everyone here!)
  • Flag them right off the bat? (too drastic and a negative approach?)
  • Ignore them and wait until their reputation hits rock bottom?
  • wait for Cheetahbot to pounce and devour its prey?

Like I stated, I'm just a green-Steemian - maybe the anti spam is all automated... any ideas or thoughts are welcome! Leaving a constructive comment on how to tackle this problem below would be great!

Cheers... and thanks for reading & participating

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