El dia que fui un Pirata - The day i was a pirat - RetroPUKU

Hubo un tiempo muy lejano en el que el mar me llamaba y fui un pirata embarcado en tierras lejanas... Los barcos, los puertos, las lejanías eran mi día a día. Un día bajé a tierra firme para no volver a subir a navegar en aguas desconocidas. Tengo la bendición de haber nacido en Venezuela, frente al Mar Caribe, tierra de piratas y cañones, donde el ron corría por las venas de todo marinero a través del ancho de todas las costas. Pude de niño visitar castillos/museos abandonados y disfrutar en las playas las historias de naufragios cercanos, cofres y tesoros en el mar enterrados y soñar que navegaba tripulando un barco alado, con otros piratas que, vivían uno a uno los 7 pecados.



There was a very long time when the sea called me and I was a pirate salling in distant lands... The boats, the ports, the distances were my past, present and future. One day I went down to the mainland to never climb again to sail in unknown waters. I am blessed to have been born in Venezuela, in front of the Caribbean Sea, land of pirates and cannons, where the rum ran through the veins of every sailor across the width of all the coasts. I was able to visit castles (abandoned museums) and to enjoy in the beaches the stories of nearby shipwrecks, with theirs treasures buried in the middle of the sea and dream about that I was sailing a winged boat, with other pirates who lived the 7 sins one by one.


Mi padre también amaba el mar y los piratas, coleccionaba barcos que dejó a mi cargo al partir en su viaje por otros mares sobrenaturales. También me dejó su colección de armas piratas, las cuales vendí para buscar el "Dorado" literalmente viaje al Estado Bolívar, a la Gran Sabana a venderlas y estuve en tierra de mineros, de minas y locuras, la fiebre del oro en tierra firme casi me deja sin aliento, por inventor y buscar lo que no se me había perdido lejos del mar de donde nunca debí de haber desanclado mi barco volador, mi Bucanero que como tributo a mi padre llevo tatuado en mis costillas junto al ancla que significó para mi su persona en mi vida. El cable a tierra, para lograr ser constante con mis logros y metas.





My father also loved the sea and the pirates, he had miniature ships that he left in my charge when he set off on his journey through other supernatural seas. He also left me his collection of pirate weapons, which I sold to look for the "Dorado", literally traveling to the Bolivar State, into Gran Sabana lands, to sell the guns and I was in the land of the miners, of the mines and madness, the gold´s fever in the middle of the jungle almost took my breath away (really I was near to death in a lot of troubles, a really dangerous place), I was lost, very far from the sea where I should never have went. I was unchain my anchor from my “seaplane”, my Bucanero ship, that as a tribute to my father I have tattooed on the ribs next to the anchor, both symbols that meant for me a lot, remembering my dad lessons in my life. The cable to ground into Earth to be consistent with my achievements and goals.



Armas hermosas, cada una representaba un lugar de donde venían los piratas a navegar en mis aguas cercanas. Holanda, España, Inglaterra, Portugal y Francia, y diferentes tipos de ellas, por ejemplo un elegante mosquete, diferentes modelos hermosamente tallados y unidos a un herraje típico para su época. Tiempo de valientes y de aventureros, de rebeldes y de luchas por conseguir los mas preciados tesoros, yo ya encontré el mío. y eres tú, mi amada curiosidad por lanzarme a descubrir nuevos horizontes en nuestro barco volador.

Beautiful weapons, each one represented a place where pirates came to sail in my nearby waters. Holland, Spain, England, Portugal and France, and different types, for example an elegant musket, different models beautifully carved and attached to a typical ironwork for his time. Time of brave and adventurers, of rebels and struggles to get the most precious treasures, I already found mine. and it is you, my beloved curiosity to launch me to discover new horizons in our flying boat.







Our flying boat...











Poem dedicated to: @valeriabandes

Gracias por leer / Thanks for Reading
Bendiciones / Blessings

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