Cervantes Magazine - Vol. 12: Desynchronized News

[Cervantes Magazine - Vol. 12]

A vampire was caught red-handed while stealing samples from the blood bank of the Meilathi Tower hospital, just outside of Helsinki.

A nurse and a warder were wounded during struggle that followed the discovery of the thief. Although they are out of danger, and both have been discharged, they still have bruises from the blows they took. The warder is still under psychological observation.

The whole hospital security body was then alerted by the presence of another case of vampirism. This fall is one of the liveliest of recent years, in terms of vampiric manifestations in public. For some time, both Finland and Norway have become a recurring destination for many vampires looking for places with few hours of light. For reasons that we still don’t know, they’ve neglected their routines a bit, so as not to be discovered.

After an exhaustive and intense search throughout the hospital, the security agents found the thief’s whereabouts. They were shocked to find that the hospital itself was the place chosen by the vampire as a hideout. Vampires usually build their nests in places far from civilization. They reside in natural caves or burrows dug with machinery that they make disappear soon after. The most daring, those who live in the cities, tend to look for old houses they buy with false identities, where they build complex underground tunnels that are used as their real home. This type of housing is very difficult to locate by local authorities.

This is the first known case of a vampire who lives in a public building. The police have finally been able to unveil the mystery surrounding the constant robberies in the blood bank of the hospital.

The thief was discovered with his family. Which is why the fight between the security agents and the family itself was violent and discarnate. The vampire family consisted of two adults and two children. Since vampires are unable to procreate, because they are not living beings, these two adult vampires violated one of the most important laws of their kind: Do not convert humans under twenty.

As has been known after the interrogation, the couple lived in an endless hell of loneliness, despite having been together several hundred years. That's why they decided to look for human children to turn them into their offspring. The "parents" stated they had the need to form a family, it was a desire that they had been accumulating for too many years.

Since we adopted Demian and Bliss we lived happily, in harmony and without harming anyone. We teach our children to survive without having to kill humans or animals. We declare ourselves to be non-carnivorous vampires, but unfortunately we cannot live without the blood, so we moved to the hospital.

The family had their coffins well hidden inside the hospital’s boiler room, in the last basement floor. According to them, they only went there to sleep, the rest of the night they spent outside the hospital.

We try to lead a normal life. Go to the movies, take walks, etc. We like to go hiking in the mountains,you can’t imagine how quiet it is at night.

The children remain in the courtroom waiting to see if it is appropriate to take them to child's protection or not, since it’s not possible to determine their age. The parents have begged the judge not to separate them from their children, claiming they do what is best for them and that they need them above all else. However, at the time of the arrest, the girl attacked three policemen, who are still recovering in the intensive care unit, one them is in very serious condition.

To this date, the future of this sinister family is uncertain.

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