Measure Twice but Cut only Once (Some Navigation Techniques for Steemians)

I hope this post helps some people out who are trying to figure out how all of this works. (hint, it is constantly evolving so nobody really can honestly say they know the ins and outs ;))

Gonna Keep This Very To the Point and Short and Sweet

-Ways to Piss off People (maybe don't do these things)

-Not keeping your word

-Climbing that ladder to fame and fortune so fast you forget that people helped you up that ladder in the first place, and what goes up, can also easily come down

-Being so full of ego that the thought of Rep and "fame" comes before ethics and you don't hold yourself or others that you deal with ACCOUNTABLE! This is crucial, I have seen dozens hit high 60's then their ethics get flushed or they are pulling manipulative games on people........not cool

-Pretending everyone is your friend so you just blow in whatever direction the wind takes you for popularity
Fence-Sitting and Ass-Kissing can get you far but be careful that you don't hitch your wagon to the wrong horses...

-Thinking you are smarter than everyone else and bullying others or gaslighting..Here is my response to that

Not everyone has to love each other and in fact those who say things along those lines raise red flags.
We also don't have to be playing Chess at all times or trying to bite the hands that fed us in the first place.
Remember those who helped you "play" in the beginning and if you play them then don't be surprised that you lose support of the Good Guys and Gals, and find yourself swimming with other sharks.

Keeping it Real and being a Woman who Runs with the Wolves
It is easier to try to make ammends then to ignore, detract or be combative towards someone who has been around long enough to have earned their stripes. Just a thought :)

(pinterest, giphy, logo by @thekittygirl)

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