The Path To Enlightenment, Initiation 2 of 9: The meaning of life and why are we really here! A Story of Enlightenment Trading Ethereum

In this second initiation you are going to understand the meaning of life and why you are here! It's not every day that you can find that out on a Steemit post, but here it is! Understanding why we are here and the meaning of life is one of the greatest questions philosophers have been debating since we learned how to philosophise! I am going to share this knowledge with you through a true and personal story that I experienced a few months ago, and I also wrote about at the time. After you read this story you will have a question to think about, which will help you to integrate and deepen this initiation. In doing so we will unlock doors in our minds, and you may even have a paradigm shift in your consciousness!


The Tale of An Enlightening Trade

It’s not every day you discover the meaning of life whilst staring at trading graphs on an exchange. I thought I had already figured it out over many long nights and years of deep and meaningful discussions with my school friends. Actually I didn’t really discover the meaning of life, It just sort of happened!

This enlightening experience occurred whilst I was checking out the crypto charts. I was trying to understand exactly how trading worked and what everything meant. I was new at trading on exchanges, but had been studying hard on YouTube and learning how to read candles and trends and such things. I seemed to have figured it out, at least well enough that I was able to place buy and sell orders without fear of totally messing it up and giving away all my money! How easily can that happen!

So there I was, staring at the Bitcoin Vs USD Tether Chart. Things were looking good! I could see lots of happy looking green candles with up trending wicks, and overall it just seemed to keep rising week on week, despite people saying it probably has hit a very strong resistance level. I was very happy as a newbie trader and was gaining more and more confidence in the whole Cryptocurrency world.

I was was by this time well aware of the Alt Coins, and I had a very good feeling about Ethereum (ETH), and I had bought a few. I could see the great potential of ETH, and what was happening in the news with ETH was too great to ignore … It was time to buy some more ETH! So I opened up a chart to the Bitcoin Vs Ethereum. This was one of the first times I had bought ETH on the exchange markets. I didn’t really understand the fundamentals of how all this trading worked and wasn’t used to dealing with other Crypto-Currencies. Until that time, I was very familiar with viewing the value of Bitcoin against the Dollar. Those numbers made sense to me and I knew what they meant. But now I was viewing the rate of Bitcoin against Ethereum and the numbers all looked very different! I noticed this and thought, Oh I don’t really know what these numbers mean now. Up until now I’ve been valuing bitcoin against the dollar, and so I said to myself, OK now this is what Bitcoin is worth against Ethereum then.. It’s a different value, because It’s pitched against a different currency so that makes sense, Ill just have to get used to these new values.

Whilst digesting the chart and looking how ETH was performing, which was also REALLY well, I had another thought. I thought to myself, SO…


What is Bitcoin worth on its own then?

At first this question didn’t make much sense to me. I couldn’t seem to wrap my head around the value of Bitcoin without having the Dollar or Ethereum to compare it to. It did NOT compute, and my mind could not even begin to answer it!

Then out of nowhere the number 1 popped into my head. YES, 1. The value of Bitcoin on its own is 1. Logically speaking 1 Bitcoin = 1 Bitcoin so that made sense even if it seemed obvious. Then I thought some more about it as something felt weird or incomplete. I thought to myself,

"What if the value of Bitcoin doubled!? What would it be worth then?"

The answer was again 1. It seemed to make sense that even when Bitcoin doubled it was still worth 1, because 1 Bitcoin is always worth 1 Bitcoin. Now two questions came to my mind. One was whether I could even value Bitcoin on its own, and the other was whether it could even double. If its value is still one then it can’t double can it?! It seemed like there was nothing even to double if there was nothing else to compare it to. Whatever happened, logically speaking, the value of Bitcoin would always be the same, even if it changed!!?!

And here we stumble, quite unexpectedly on the Meaning of Life and why we are here. The whole meaning of existance is contained within this simple lesson.

The supreme one (God) separated herself into many pieces so that she could witness herself. We were all created so that the ‘Supreme 1’ could learn to know itself, value itself and grow and evolve. If we didn’t have all the different people, views, opinions, religions, ideas, and cultures that we have, then there would be no way for the ‘Supreme 1’ to know itself. There would be nothing to compare itself to, since there would be only 1 and always 1. The ‘Supreme 1’ could not grow or even know itself without creating the myriad of life that we see and know today.

When we integrate this second initiation, we learn that we can also accept even the greatest pain and the hardest suffering. It is only when we know great pain can we know great joy and bliss. Therefore, we must accept, accept accept... everything. To do less is to deny the meaning of life and your opportunity to grow. Know that whilst in your deepest pain, you are sewing the seeds for your deepest bliss!

Perhaps this is why the Bhudda is able to smile at almost anything!

If I was alone in this world I would be nothing.
It is only with you here to share and compare my life with,
that my life has any meaning or value at all.

Therefore, I should accept all the things in this world,
even the things I don’t like, because without them I would be nothing

Now you have read this story it is time to deepen this knowledge!
Do you feel that there is something special about what you have just read?
Then let me ask you this.

If you do not value something, and only you posses it, does it have any value?

Please let that sink in and please share with me in the comments what comes up for you reading this question.

This second initiation is complete!

Thank you for being a part of this Enlightening Series!
Please do stop by for your third initiation into enlightenment!


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