What was one of the most profound spiritual experiences of your life? @ecoTrain Question Of The Week

The story I am about to share with you is one that I have never told to anyone! It was one of the most profound, eye opening, spiritual, and enlightening experiences that I have had... and I've had a few! I have experienced quite a few things that I would call a profound spiritual moment in my life, but I chose this story because it was so profound and was an experience that lasted around 12 hours. Within that space of time, things happened that changed me and my perception of the world. I had my 'eye(s)' opened to the myriad of different worlds that exist and play out around us.

This is quite an intense and wild story, but everything I am about to share with you is absolutely exactly as I experienced and remember it. This story happened back in 1997 when I was on a 5 month journey in India after finally graduating from University. My entire journey in India from start to finish was pretty much one spiritual moment after another! Anyone who has been to India can probably testify to seeing and experiencing things that are basically beyond anything we can really explain or comprehend! I had discovered a very special beach on my journey, called OM Beach. This beach is located next to a small but potent Village called Gokarna. Gokarna is a sacred village and also the destination of long pilgrimages by devotees of Shiva and other divine entities that are worshiped by the Hindu culture. The energy in Gokarna and Om Beach is palpable and I know of many people who have their own very amazing stories from that place!

Om Beach is one of the most beautiful beaches I had ever been to. It is quite isolated and nestled in a bay of warm seas and palm trees stretching out as far as the eye could see. The entire beach is surrounded by hills and mountains, and the sand was golden soft. There were several small shacks that served food and offered small banana hut style accommodation. When I was there, there was always a good 100 people staying, from all parts of the world. We would hang out there together all day long, in the shaded perfection of a mud shack facing breath taking sea views. It was a great time for me, as I learned one of the great secrets of life. I was never happier in those moments when I had Nothing To Do, Nowhere To Go and was surrounded by amazing people who became close friends. Life was as simple as it gets, and without a care in the world I was truly in the moment.

One day as we were all sitting around hanging out and listening to some music from the tape recorder I spotted a very unusual looking man! I have just managed to find a picture of him on Google which is very lucky! This is him below, except when I saw him he was adorned with a vast array of necklaces, strange jewelry and other trinkets hanging of his bags and umbrella.


Jai Ganesha Baba, Gokarna


I was swinging on my hammock at the front of the shack and there stood Mr Ganesha Baba just looking at us all and checking everything out. He stood there for a minute or two and seemed to want to come inside. Then something weird happened! He had a long stick in his right hand, and he suddenly banged it on the ground three times and proclaimed Boom, Boom, BOOM! On that third boom, and at EXACTLY the same moment the music suddenly started playing backwards! What!!! I was very surprised, and went back into the kitchen to see what had happened as it was my tape. I opened up the machine and 'somehow' the tape had twisted and was therefore playing backwards. Boom indeed! He had my attention! What proceeded was a joyous serenade of him singing, laughing, and tapping his wooden spoons together in a clickity clack way for at least an hour. He was smoking large amounts of hashish from a large Chillum, fed never endingly by appreciative travelers! wOw! Ganesha Baba continued to come and visit us at least once a week for many weeks. When he came we just turned the music off ourselves!

I have shared this part of the story as a very gentle lead up to the real events that happened not long after this. My experiences with Ganesha Baba were a part of many openings and initiations I received whilst on Om Beach.

One fine and beautiful sunny day, a group of us were there together enjoying the simplicities of life. We had really bonded and were all a big part of each others experiences in India. That afternoon I was offered something from a friend. He was telling me about this liquid speed that he had bought from the chemist. He said it was basically amphetamine based and whilst it wasn't speed it was similar to it. In those days I was game for pretty much anything, and was pretty open to trying out new experiences. Amphetamines usually perk you up quite a bit, and are definitely mind altering. They don't tend to cause hallucinations like LSD or something. I gave it a bit of thought and said I wanted to try it. A few of my friends also said they wanted to try it and so around 4 of us took it. It was around 4pm and we were starting to prepare for the evening by gathering wood and making a fire.

About an hour later we were nearing sunset, and I was feeling great! I don't normally spend much time in the Sea, but suddenly I felt a big desire to go and swim. I went with a girl I had recently met, who was a close friend of a dear friend Simone. We both went and waded in the sea as we watched the sun start to set and a full moon rising! The sea was So warm and the views so beautiful that we both stayed there for a very long time! I think I was about 9pm before we got out which was around 4 hours in total! Looking back on this now, I believe this time to have been a great energy cleansing moment that contributed to the experiences that followed!

We went back to our shack where everyone else was hanging out. Suddenly Simone had the idea of doing a group Rieki circle where we would all put our hands on top of each other and rest them on someone who would receive it. Around 6 of us did this and it lasted around 5 minutes. I was familiar with Rieki and knew how that energy felt. What was really surprising to me is how open I felt. I could feel intense energy coming from my hands. It was hard to explain but my hands felt like magnets! It was one of those lovely things that we can do together and I could really feel how strong this was from the combined effort. After this happened, Simone came up to me and said that she could feel my energy was really strong in that circle. I agreed with her and even afterwards was still feeling this full power energy coming from my hands. I put them up to hers and again I could straight away feel this surge of magnetic like energy flowing between our hands.. She seemed surprised and could also really feel it. Then I stood back a few feet and continued doing this with her .. and still we could both feel the energy. It was a lovely feeling and not one I have had with so much intensity before. My whole body also felt like it was a magnet and as I held my hands out at a distance with Simone I could feel my whole body leaning back and forward from what felt like some kind of magnetic force.

I was all charged up like a little power cell and decided to take a walk on the beach. I walked out of the shack and down the beach a bit with a very bright moon shining down on us. I always loved the moon, and so as I was walking I looked up at it. Oh My God! Oh My God!! What was I seeing!!!!??? I looked up at the moon and what I saw took my breath away! Just to be clear, I was not hallucinating at all when I looked around, but when I looked at the moon what I saw were two Huge white crystal wings on either side of it. The moon had wings, and she looked absolutely divine. I also noticed that there were three small dots on the moon that I had never seen before. I rubbed my eyes a few times, looked away and back again at least 10 times but everything looked just the same. One of the dots was bright orange, and the other two were white. How very strange! They were just small dots that didn't move. The only thing I could imagine is that there were two angels and perhaps Sai Baba was on the moon! Sai Baba is an Indian Guru and special being who always wears orange! I really felt like I was being invited to the moon! I know it sounds strange but that is how it felt! I really wanted to go to the moon suddenly and see what was going on there! What where those dots!?

Whilst my mind was still trying to understand what was going on, and I was trying to determine if I was totally hallucinating or something I glanced at the stars. They looked brighter than normal, even with a full moon, and then I began to look at just one star. As I looked at this star I began to see what I can only describe as fractal spirals of helical light coming from them toward me. It took a few seconds for these spirals to show, and when they did they looked very real and very cosmic! I did this with a few stars and the same thing happened. I was suddenly aware of the cosmic influences coming from light years away and could even feel them when I put my hands out and connected with it. Every now and then I would keep checking back on the moon to see if it still had wings. Every time I looked at it the wings were there, looking exactly the same, a shining Goddess in the sky was there revealed in all her glory! And those three dots were also still there, in the same spot just there on the moon.

What the spirals looked like to me

The girl I had spent those many hours with in the sea approached me on this moonlight beach and we started chatting whilst standing there on the soft warm sand. I can't remember what we were talking about, but suddenly whilst in mid conversation her appearance shifted. It was a bit like it started morphing in front of my eyes, and a couple of seconds later she looked exactly like a Witch! Her whole appearance had changed and suddenly I felt like I was looking at a different person. She was much older and had the kind of features and characteristics you would associate with a witch. I looked away, a little bit unnerved, and looked back. She looked normal again and we talked a bit more. Then, it happened again! This was really strange for me, and when I looked away everything else looked normal.. except the sky of course! Then we walked toward the sea a bit and sat down together.

I didn't have much to say any more as I was pretty much blown away and a bit scared of her.. not really sure of who she was or what was going on. Then in the middle of a silence she looked at me and totally out of the blue said to me:

"Witch Movie Did You See?"

Oh my god! What a question! What! She knew! She didn't mean Which movie did I see, she meant Witch movie did I see! And she said the word Witch with a strange emphasis as if to drive the point home! I turned my head away and tried to process this. She obviously knew, and even though I was feeling fearful I decided to be brave and acknowledge it. I turned to her and said one word, "Witch". She held eye contact and winked at me. I have goosebumps and tingles all over as I write this!

Then she started to explain some things to me, about herself, her guides and that she often left her body to visit places. She carried with her this special blanket that she used to cover herself to protect her body when she left and had it right there with her! Then came the invitation of a lifetime! She said she could take me out of my body and we could go to the moon together, she would take me! OK, now things were beyond any levels of strange that I was comfortable with. I was now feeling really scared! I wanted to go to the moon so much, and yet I felt basically petrified about leaving my body and leaving the planet with this virtual stranger who was some kind of amazing Witch and was ready to take my on a journey past my wildest dreams!

She told me I could think about it and she would lay there and wait a bit for me. I sat there and thought about it. All I had to do was to lay down, and I guess fall asleep or something and the magical carpet ride would happen! Guess what...? I couldn't do it! I was just too scared to lye down and had no idea what was going to happen. I spent about 5-10 minutes deliberating this, more or less paralyzed with fear when suddenly she gave a little jolt with her body and she was gone. I just knew she had left and I had missed my opportunity.

I spent a good hour pacing up and down the beach after that.. trying to undo my decision and see if I could somehow still go to the moon! It never happened, I just had to sit out the night feeling quite disillusioned and also blessed. The moon continued to shine with wings the whole night long, and after that night I never saw those wings again!

As you can see, this was a very profound story that left a lasting impression on me. Suffice is to say the moon has never looked quite the same again! I hope this story has shown you that there are worlds and dimensions that are beyond our everyday consciousness. I have been lucky to have seen a few of these, and hold them as great markers to remind me of my Spiritual Nature. I am not the body, I am Spirit. The chance to leave my body brought up my mortal fears to their greatest fear of all, that we are not our body. When we leave our body we have to acknowledge what we really are, beings of light living in a physical world.

I hope you can let the light of this story shine through, and not be caught up in any fear. My Witch friend was a lovely girl with a great heart and I can only thank her for the lessons she taught me. The moon is a great divine being that revealed herself to me, for a very long moment, and for that I am blessed and very humbled. We live in a Universe that is so magnificent, that we can never truly know or understand it all. We are all a part of the whole, and one day we will all return to that place from which we came!




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