Let's talk about Ego death


Many spiritual practices have one thing in common and that is the Experience of a Temporary Ego death or Ego Dissolution.

To the common person with no spiritual interests, this can be felt as a state of Blissfulness and detachment from issues and day to day problems.

Let's have a more in-depth look at the process itself.

What is Ego Death?


Ego death is a representation of neurodetoxification of fossilized repression. It removes the friction of cycles within the nervous system.

This allows a higher pattern to be formed for some time while the repressions are suspended.

The Ego can be seen as a safety function or a mediator so we can adapt to an easier way of life given our social conditions.
Its function is quite necessary for our adaptive capabilities, but sometimes there are things that tend to clog its optimal performance.

These Things that clog its optimal Function are dissolved for a brief period of time when one experiences an Ego Death.

Although the statement Ego Death might notion a full Death or dissolution of the Ego, it is not quite so. It is only these resistance aspects that get dissolved.

Ego death is not the full disintegration of the Ego. Or the healthy Ego that we need to function in daily life. Wat dies is actually the part that holds on to the illusion of control, the part of us that thinks we are running the show, that we are in charge.

And that's where the bliss comes from, when we release the pressure of control, we are left with a state of ease, a state where we enjoy the natural flow of life.



What we make out of this is that behind the Term "Ego Death" stands a series of Bio-Chemical reactions within the body.

Some of these reactions may be induced by Taking different substances like "Drugs".

That is why some people relate different Drugs to Spiritual Experiences.

Although so, there are natural ways to experience these kinds of states that don't require Drugs or External stimuli. Which I don't recommend in the first place.

We also understand that the Experience is different for everyone. This means we can't really be sure what one can make of it.

We can also see that the Ego serves an important Role in our life. It gives us a distinct personal identity or a feeling of self, allowing us to share our uniqueness with the world.

As of the negatives that it brings, it fools us into becoming overly identified with our bodies, thoughts, and emotions.

What do you think about the subject? Have you had any Ego Death experiences? Please do share <3

Thanks for reading!

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