Meditation as a natural life Function. And the 7 days meditation challenge.


For the past two years meditation has been the utmost respected and crucial part of my daily life. After my Shaktipat experience meditation stopped being a choice for me. It was mandatory.

In tribute to the awesome challenge by Alex, I will write down some of my experience. Hopefully, some people follow along and get involved to join the Challange.


My View


There are so many things in our lives that drive our motives towards roads that we don't want to embark on, sort to say.

Some things, emotions, and ideas within us aren't really personal choices that we've made. Rather things that we've seen and tried to adapt within ourselves for whatever reason.

For some people, these third-party motives have fused within their life purpose. Sadly only to make things harder for a person to be fully himself in a naturally aspirated way.

Have you noticed how Self-conscious people know what to do and never ponder or ask others. That is the benefit of being clean from within. One of the many benefits.

These external ideas, thoughts, emotions that sometimes we get radiated with can change the way we think and have an impact on our emotions. This sometimes leads to anxiety, depression and other negative side effects.



The Universe never discriminates. As long as someone is willing to step back and let go of his struggles, he will find peace and illumination.

Meditation at its simplest of forms is a release valve for all that which doesn't belong to us. It helps us get back to the one true thing that is a life constant. Unconditional Peace and silence within ourselves.

This state of peace and silence is a natural state of Humanity but as times have changed we've lost our connection to that inner space.

Meditating is the most efficient way to connect to the source of peace.

There are quite a lot of different meditation techniques, but I'm generally talking about Normal meditation or Void meditation. Simply enjoying the silence of the void.

Body Benefits


As it is known, stress, anxiety and other negative emotions hold a place within our cells. They spread within our body and damage our health.

This is one other Physical bonus aspect of daily meditation. By cleaning out the stress and releasing all that pains us we releave the body from its hardship and allow it to function in a more suttle and relaxed state.

This leading to feeling lighter after much practice.

Some people find a change in their eating patterns after long periods of meditation practice as the body starts to reject unhealthy foods on its own. This leading to us feeling bad when eating garbage.


I strongly encourage anyone to try the meditation challenge. The more people doing this, the more we illuminate our problems and find resolves to them. The fewer people with inner struggles, the faster we can thrive as a community and the faster we can start making a positive change in this world of conditioning.

It's enough to lay back and sit in the silence of one's own mind. The simplest way of doing this is by doing nothing, just enjoying the Void for a couple of minutes every day.

The benefits of meditation are uncharted and many.

Thanks for reading!

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