Goddess Feminine Rising - #3 - Right Use of Will Emotional Release Book Series - SIBWA Challenge Week 8, Day 4 Entry

Hey Steem Fam,

Forgive me for not getting back with you before this to share the second study resource we'll be leaning on during the course of this series.


It is a series of books that go deeply in to:

  • the relationship between Father God and Mother God
  • the split of consciousness to expand the experience of All That Is
  • how this has affected all time and space realities including that of planet Earth

The first of the series that we will look at is entitled Right Use of Will by Ceanne deRohan (Amazon link).

I believe I mentioned before that while studying this series of books over 25 years ago, I facilitated emotional release workshops to help participants experience, balance and heal their denied emotions and shadow self.

Don't worry, we'll take this slow. We have to. We're on the internet, in addition to never ever pushing consciousness development and emotional healing.

We don't have to because we unfold our individual Soul-level self expression with conscious consensus between our human, third dimensional selves and our Multidimensional and Soul selves.

It's one triune partnership that every human enjoys, consciously or unconsciously and has as long as is needed to explore, accept, align with and fully live.

Talk soon and Goddess Bless...


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