Human values: Peace ( Love in thought) -looking back


  Human values: Peace ( Love in thought) -looking back

@stickycj had a revelation after working with peace through zen teachings that he shared in his post this week:    

'This tiny little revelation gives me a great sense of PEACE as I never feel the need to run away from emotions or try to fight them. I have peace in all emotions, be it happy, sad, ecstatic, nervous. I am at peace.'   


To see how he got to that conclusion go to:     

I thought that it was worth quoting one of our fellow steemit people this week instead of an enlightened person. ( Which of course could be one and the same thing 😉  )      

At the end of last week I introduced the 4th human value 'PEACE' of the 5 human values that Sri Sathya Sai Baba promotes as our most valuable inner gems and which are at the core of most of the religions and spiritual paths. 

I asked people to pick a sub value to explore the value of peace with. I was very happy to read that some of you actually did! I'll put the list of sub values of Peace here again, so that if you didn't consciously pick one to work with last week, you can maybe identify with a few that came by spontaneously last week and share your experiences with them.   

Peace (Love in thought) 

· Attention, 

· calm, 

· concentration, 

· contentment, 

· dignity, 

· discipline, 

· endurance, 

· focus, 

· happiness, 

· honesty, 

· humility, 

· inner silence, 

· reflection, 

· satisfaction, 

· self-acceptance, 

· self-confidence, 

· self-control, 

· self-discipline, 

· self-respect, 

· understanding, 

 · care for environment, 

· national responsibility   

Do you see any that were present for you in the past week and that helped you have a more peaceful composure?   

I have focused on self confidence pretty much all week long, because I need me some of that and I consider it to be like a very good ally to have in life.   
I read up about it a little in Sathya Sai Baba literature and found a few very touching quotes. My favorites were:   

'[...] Once a person came to Me and argued that there was no God and he was not prepared to believe in one. Well, I asked him, "Have you faith at least in yourself? Which is yourself? Your self is God. You have faith in your judgment, your intelligence, your ability, because God within you tells you not to falter or fear. That assurance wells from within, from your basic Truth, which is otherwise called God. It does not matter if you do not call it God; it is enough if you believe in Yourself; that is the real test of theism, “I told him. [...]'   Sathya Sai Baba   

This was so nice for me to read as I felt it empowered me, as a divine being myself. The next one also brought me back to myself:     

'[...] Without having and developing confidence in your own self, if all the time you are talking of some power being with someone and some other power being with someone else, if in this way you travel all the time and depend upon power which is with someone else, when are YOU going to acquire any power and confidence in your own self. Peace and bliss are within you; they are not something which are external to you.'   Sathya Sai Baba   

Yes, time to focus more on my own inner power and realise all I need is within me. Thank you Swami.   
The last one I heard many times before, but the image that forms in my mind with it is just worth gold:     

'[...] When a small bird goes and perches on a small plant or a small branch of a tree, on account of the weight of the bird, that branch moves up and down. But the bird is not going to be upset by such a movement. What is the reason? the bird which is sitting on the branch is not depending for its safety on the branch. It is depending on its own wings. Even if the branch moves up or down or even if the branch breaks, because the bird is depending on its own wings, it can fly away. It does not worry at all. Even that small bird which is sitting on the branch has got so much confidence in its own wings and in itself that it is fearless.'   Sathya Sai Baba   

Count on yourself. I've had quite a few conflicts lately, all part of a training to gain more self confidence, I believe. 'Count on yourself'  for me also means that emotionally I shouldn't get too upset when people go through challenges of their own and try to drag me in it, shaking me left and right. I then should remember I have my own responsibility emotionally for my own wellbeing, my own wings so to say, and can leave the person who is shaken about by their own emotions to do their own inner work, and trust my own wings. To not try and find safety with others emotionally but to stick to what my own inner peace is instructing me to do and to go about it peacefully. Maybe not perfectly as I'm learning but nonetheless with the best peaceful intentions. And to trust those intentions.  

I also believe that when other people tell you your behavior is bad in a way that does not show love at all, that you don't have to take it to heart. But to trust that God always loves us ( from the inside ;-) ) and when (S)He wants us to change our behavior it is because (S)He loves us and wants to grant us more openness to work with and to play this game of Life and Love with.     

These are my findings on peace this week. I did experience it to be happening in the area of thought and the world of concepts and ideas with results on the emotions but from a place inside where peace already seems to be established. As is said above: Peace (Love in thought)  
To connect it to the energy sheath that I linked peace to in my last post: the Manomayakosha, the sheath of thoughts and emotions, this is totally fitting with it!
How did or do you experience that?   
Love to hear your thoughts!   

Next week the last of the human values: Non-violence ( Love in feeling) Hope to see you there.   

Love Clara            

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