The Mystery of The Left Hand


"It is known that each brain hemisphere controls the opposite side of the body. The left hand is the right brain, and the right eye, the left. Is it not peculiar that the heart organ, unlike most others, makes its home in the left side of the body? Dare I say that to think with your heart is to be in your right mind? Or if one uses more of their right brain, they are more aligned with the heart?


History reveals to us dating back thousands of years, the elites of every major civilization training people away from using their left hands. I dont see this as merely coincidence. I know that left handed people are more likely to be geniuses, to play instruments, to be artists, all around more creative, and lateral thinkers. Lefthanders are slightly more rebellious and unconventional. This creates a problem for established systems of control. For thousands of years, the elite ruling classes would scare people away from using the left hand by claiming it to be unclean, Satanic, homosexual and so on, if not enforcing against it outright

The states with the highest percentage of lefthanders also boast the highest IQ's. In these United States, the further you go north east, the higher the rate of left handedness is. Clearly, left handedness is progressive in the part of the country with the best education. But get this... I have found that cultures with the higher rate of left handedness have the most liberty.


Of the most developed nations, Canada boasts the most lefthanders at 13%, United States at 12%, Mexico at about 3%, China less than 1%. But there exists a tribe outside of Brazil, the Yanomami, where nearly a quarter of their people are left handed. They are mostly untainted by the developed world. So you see, there is truly a correlation with freedom and the amount of people more tuned into their right brain faculty.

People who seek to dominate and control, hate going up against the left handed.
Still in doubt?

Just ask any athlete how much they love going up against lefties. They dont! Its not that they merely do everything that a righties do, just in reverse. There is more. There is an inherent awkwardness and a different type of thinking generally present in lefties; lateral thinking. This makes lefties harder to dominate.

However, there is a darkside to being a lefty.

Lefties are much more likely to end up suffering from adverse mental conditions, from schizophrenia to depression, and more likely as well to be injured and even die earlier than righties. Much of that is because the world is set up more to accommodate right handed people, but there is also the fact that the left hemisphere is generally the better qualified for physical tasks. Its safer to be in the right.

But still, I believe that the ills of the world, its declining morality, its tendency toward war, and its increased consumption of fear can be defeated with love. In order to ignite this love, we must, on an individual basis, activate the heart (domain of the right brain hemisphere). We must awaken more of the right brain faculties, because mankind has been trained for thousands of years to work slightly more with his left brain, and that slight tick to the left is all that is needed to tip the scale in favor of those who seek to demoralize us, to keep us mostly dependent on the scientific materialism world view.

This chapter will illustrate the many methods of hemisphere training that have gone unseen, from methods used against us, to methods of reversing damage, waking and charging the right brain hemisphere, so that we all may become more imaginative and creative, tapping into our inner genius, intuition and connection with source."

A chapter from my coming work, "The Book of Pseudo"

With love,

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