Searching for Zen.


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When first the spirits started to communicate with me I was as excited as a hopping flea on a red hued, electric hotplate. Infused with energy and excitement I couldn’t stop myself from asking questions.

I soon learnt that this was not acceptable as they chided me gently and told me;

“Linda, some things you are not meant to know”.


“All will be revealed in divine timing, when you are ready”.

This only further piqued my curiosity as I replied;

“But when will I be ready?”

To which they simply stated;

“You will be ready when you know you are ready!”

The spirits can be a slippery bunch of busy wisps; loving an on-point analogy and, seemingly, delighting in being obtuse - leaving a person to unpick the wisdom stitched into the very fabric of their own unique life experience.

For some long while they have encouraged me to strive towards a state of Zen and cautioned me against over thinking.

For, through over thinking, a person can get themselves into a right royal and rather ratty tangle!

But, (and yes, I know that a person should never start a sentence with a but, but hell! - rules are made to be broken as, rather incredulously today, my bank manager once told me back in the lawless wild west South London ‘burbs in the 1990’s!)

So, I’ll try again -

But what exactly is Zen?

I have quietly pondered this enviable state of being for some long while now and here follows my best interpretation to date:

The state of Zen exists, suspended, in the incredibly finer than fine, blow one’s mind, notional line that exists between the past and the future. Zen is achieved in the gnat’s hairs breath space when what has gone and what is yet to be are of absolutely no consequence.

It is the state where total acceptance is achieved and all expectation and judgement are suspended.

An illusive and super complicated, in its supreme simplicity, state.

A state where a person, without breaking sweat, becomes intuitively tuned into a collective and universal wisdom and simply “IS”.

A state where all has the possibility of being revealed.

Work in progress here folks!


I wonder, does my definition resonate with you? How do you define Zen?

With Love.


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(Still relatively new to Steemit I have a lot to contribute to this vibrant community. All words, pictures and illustrations are my own work. I politely request that if you enjoyed this piece you spread the love and generously upvote/follow and even consider a cheeky resteem so as, together, we can fly - with thanks).

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