Meditation A Way of Life - Part 1

In one of my previous blog I mentioned about the Importance of Meditation. In this one I would like to further share some techniques and how can one bring in different forms of meditation to use for one’s overall self-growth.

First of all we need to remember these 3 important rules of meditation and they are:
“I Know Nothing”, “I do Nothing” and “I am Nothing”.
It will then allow you to come to a stage of complete surrendering.

When we talk about surrendering, it does not mean you need to surrender yourself anywhere or to anyone. It just means a complete inward surrender. i.e. for that moment you keep aside all your inhibitions, procrastination, ego, fears, self-fulfilling prophecies, attachments, desires and anything and everything that you associate yourself with. You need to remember one thing that in this vast universe YOU are absolutely nothing, you are like a blank board ready for new lessons. Let your consciousness dwell in so deep that you can dig the hidden treasures within you. All that you need to know is within you, it’s only a matter of tapping that part of you and you have answers to all that you need to know.

Meditation is a state of complete awareness, as it is also said it’s a way of Life, and not about doing it for a particular time. But to reach this stage you need a lot of self-work to be done and hence setting a daily routine of Meditation will help one to reach this stage. It may take years of practice to reach this stage, as the physical lives are so contaminated that disturbances will always be there around in some or the other form.

Today I will share the candle gazing meditation technique with you

  1. Firstly keep one fixed time daily for your meditation practice. One fixed time allows you to get into a form of discipline.
  2. Set one fixed place for meditation. The place used for your meditation ensure it’s clean and uncluttered. When you do your meditation in one fixed place it raises the vibration and energy level of that place.
  3. You may sit down or on a chair for a meditation but ensure you spine is erect and not bent. If you sit down, sit in a cross leg position and on the chair, sit halfway on the chair so that you do not lean on the backrest. Wear comfortable loose clothes.
  4. For candle gazing meditation if you are sitting down or on a chair place a candle in a way that is at your eye level. This is very important. Do not have too many other things around near the candle that can distract you during meditation.
  5. A white color candle is most preferred or other mild colors can also be used, but completely avoid RED, BLACK, BROWN, GREY. If someone has relationship issues a Pink color candle is best and health issues a Green color candle will be suitable and a Yellow one to manifest your desires. I still suggest go with the Universal White.
  6. Play some soft meditation music, or some chants soothing to your ears. Do not play very powerful Shamanic music or high frequency music if the meditation is being done late in the evening as this will activate the brain to higher frequencies and it will cause disturbance in sleep patterns.
  7. If you wish you can use crystals in the meditation by holding them in hand.
  8. Once you are all set with the required. Sit comfortably opposite the candle at Eye level. First with your eyes closed and take a couple of deep breadths. At every breadth feel yourself getting calmer and relaxed. Loosen up yourself and let your body completely relaxed.
  9. Once your feel relaxed, take your awareness to the bottom of your feet and feel your feet firmly attached to the ground to Mother Earth. Grounding is very important in meditation, as it brings in stability and security. Once grounded slowly open your eyes and gaze the candle.
  10. Ideal time to gaze is between 12 to 18 minutes. In the beginning you will find a lot of eye lids flickering but eventually with practice it will settle and also you will start observing the minuteness in the flame. When you want to end the gazing close your eyes for 5 mins, relax and observe the experiences within.
  11. If there are any thoughts emerging in this time, let them surface and pass, if you feel you are holding onto them then consciously let them pass by saying in your mind, this can wait for now and at this point of time has no relevance to me.
  12. When you are done, shift your awareness again to the bottom of your feet, woggle up your toes and then slowly open your eyes.

Benefits of this particular Meditation

 Improves Concentration, Focus, Memory & Learning
 Healing negative emotions
 Stress relief and Emotional balance

Please note: Avoid doing meditation at midnight between 00:30 to 01:30 Hours.
If at any time during the meditation there is a feeling of discomfort then end it and relax.

This logo has been prepared for me by dear friend @malos10
Thank you very much Malos

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