I'd Rather Live In A World Where Anything Is Possible

Negativity can be all consuming and very easy to find if you are actively seeking it. I would prefer to live in a world of positivity, light, and love where anything is possible.

I have some friends that I love dearly but they tend to lean more towards the negative way of thinking and so I have had to limit my interactions with them on days that they are negative.

I totally understand having a bad day, I have them every once in a while myself but if it gets to be bad day after bad day after bad day then it becomes a problem. I have been diagnosed with depression and anxiety by mental health professionals, so I understand bad days probably better than most people.

Choosing a Different Path

I choose to wake up every morning knowing that that day is going to be whatever I choose it to be because I manifest my day and every aspect of my life the way that I want it to be.

Photo by Brian Mann on Unsplash

Not every day goes exactly the way I want it to because life isn’t perfect and sometimes things that we want are not meant for us. It takes a lot of soul searching and self-awareness to be able to accept the good and bad of life while maintaining a stable mindset and peace in your soul.

Every day brings new possibilities for change, growth, and increased self-awareness. We all just have to be open to everything around us and tap into our potential.

Raising Others Up

One thing that I have loved about being on Steem is that the community is fairly supportive of each other and most of the posts are positive or very informative so a little bit of negativity is more accepted in those situations haha.

Raising others up and helping other people has always been a passion of mine. It makes me feel better when those around me feel good about themselves and their lives. It is my vision, mission, and purpose in life to be of service to others, I truly believe that.

Anything in this life is possible if you believe that it is and are willing to put in the work. Manifesting your desired life still does require some work on our part if we want to succeed in what we want. We can send the desire out into the world and pray or meditate on that desire, but if you aren’t willing to put in the work than it won’t manifest into your life.

Photo by Edit Sztazics on Unsplash

Discovering Your Own Internal Resources

We all are divinely connected and given so many gifts naturally when we are born, it is up to us to cultivate and nurture these gifts. The more we work on our gifts, the more we find possibilities and are able to live our lives to the fullest.

By discovering what is already within us, we are able to contribute to the energy of the world. Monitor your thoughts, words, and actions in order to raise your vibration and shift the world by contributing to the collective consciousness.

The more positive, happy feelings you are able to put out into the world, the more you will discover your own internal resources and the better off the rest of the world will be.

Take your power back and monitor your own thoughts in order to recognize negative thoughts and work to shift them into something more positive and uplifting.

Stay positive, my friends, and send positive energy out into the world in order to find more peace within yourself. I don’t know about you, but I’d rather live in a world where anything is possible.

I would love to hear your thoughts!

Thanks for reading,


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