Advanced Poker class 302 Game theory and DONK BETTING

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Do you wish to disguise other wise good play? Consider the DONK bet if you will. Very few top players utilize this advanced move.

Say 6 handed you flat call from utg+2 to mask the strength of your mid pair.
The button raises so you re-flat and take the flop 3 ways with the bb and the button raiser.
Now of course the bb checks to you and 2 overs hit the board, what do you do?
You hate giving up and you know the button raiser will bet around half pot.
What do you do?

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Why? Do you enjoy VALUE? Merge your donk betting range half way to your value range and open your betting range by 15%.
Your opponents will be bewildered and not know what to do.
All the while you have widened your value range.

Poker is all about creating value and bewildering your opponents. The DONK bet achieves both ends while suggesting to your foes that you may be unskilled at the game. Sun-Tzu said:

So it is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you will not be put at risk even in a hundred battles.
If you only know yourself, but not your opponent, you may win or may lose.
If you know neither yourself nor your enemy, you will always endanger yourself.

Know your enemy, know your DONK bets and use them wisely. Do not assume anything and always be on the look out for traps.

Poker is a battle field for the bold and the brave. If you want to WIN you must be willing to be felted at any moment. Just make sure you are not felted by the DONK bet.

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