Discipline and Self-Control: A Helpful Tool For Making Better Poker Decisions


Understanding discipline as a conscious control, and application of our abilities and skills, in order to achieve maximum efficiency, and therefore, achieving a final goal, are one of the keys to success in both poker and life itself.

Since poker is a whirlwind of emotions, odds, and possibilities in which we can rarely be 100% sure of the outcome, I have concluded that self-discipline is the best tool for making correct decisions, a key point, and in my opinion, the basic ingredient to achieve greatness. Without a doubt, the right decision, at the right time, will efficiently guide us towards our goal, however large or small it may be. Based on my most recent experience, and observations, and being the classic sit-go player (dynamic, aggressive, dominant, opportunistic) and getting to have some success after much practice -decent results- by achieving on average, a prize of at least 15 STEEM on weekly tournaments, and even so, one day I found myself with bad results, as bad beats exist, and for my bad luck it rained on wet, that's why I decided to refine my technique and my strategies, and I asked myself, what are you going to do now?


Through discipline, and having self-control, I mean, using reason to determine our next move or play, and not to immediate desire or impulse, which many times can be treacherous or disappointing ... as long as we maintain that discipline, we can often get away from any dangerous situation at the poker table.

Know yourself, your skills and abilities, recognize yourself, your strengths. Control and focus, and of course; if luck is on your side, you will win, if not in most cases, in the majority, you will win or at least you will save yourself a bad experience. Of course, it is impossible to win each and every one of the hands we play, even though we have the great initial advantage, there are no guarantees, ever. That is why being disciplined can avoid failure most of the time, and achieve better results in the medium and long term.

It's just as important to recognize your limits, meet your opponents, and concentrate on the right strategy (multi-table tournaments, sit & go tournaments, low/high limits tables, etc.), all this is relevant because only when we know our limits with accuracy, only then we can apply our resources and virtues with maximum effectiveness.

Plan and manage your bankroll, ask yourself which poker mode makes you feel more confident, decide what you are really looking for, improve your game in general, polish your strategy, leave behind a bad run, increase your bankroll or just have a good time. Once you are clear on what is what you want, then go for it, make it yours, without fear, with discipline. In my case, I decided to participate in Luckstacks.com League and among the nearly 120 players, I was determined to finish in the top 10, which represents a good prize in Steam. I was very clear that my explosiveness, which I dominated in Tournaments, would not be enough for a long tournament, and well, to change strategy. Discipline and patience, two key points, which many times we forget to apply; it was what I always had in mind, discipline and patience.

To conclude, I have to admit that in 90% of the cases that I was a bad beat victim, I knew well that a bad beat was coming, which in the long run can be frustrating, and if at least, I did not go so far as to insult my rival, it was because deep down, I knew that I lacked discipline, and I was stubborn, and I lacked character to recognize that my pair of Aces, although a great favorite at first, is  not invincible, or that my set flop, can be shattered on the river by a full house ... and as promising as my straight would look, a flush will always shatter my dreams, or by simply thinking-in an illusion-that my opponent is NOT, and CAN NOT be a gambler, a fish, a donk, a lucky, someone better than me, Yet indeed they are! We all know it, and we've all lived it, they're there. those that beat us badly, in a horrible and shameless way; there is defeat, just around the corner and/or bad beat, stalking at any moment, we can lose. Remember that every hand you play could be the last or the one that leads you to the end.


Get excited! enjoy! follow your instincts, but never put aside the discipline, self-control, and of course, that luck will accompany you in your next Luckstacks.com session and achieve your goals, short, medium or long term, for the time being. I think I will finish in the top 5 this month, I hope, after that, to enjoy my STEEM, and with it come new challenges, new goals, maybe in long tournaments, or the team league, whatever, I will have the confidence that with discipline, and some luck you can achieve the best of life and of poker.

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Faceless Men Logo made by @tylersr member of the "The Faceless Men" SPL Team League!

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