Splinterlands Weekly Challenge: Featuring the Brownie!

This week's Weekly Challenge for @splinterlands is a "Share Your Battle" featuring one of my favourite cards, the Earth splinter Brownie. Honestly, when I'm thinking of a Brownie, I'm thinking of something a touch cuter... and less evil looking, so when I play the card, that is actually the image that I have in my mind... it was a surprise to actually look at the card properly and realise that the artwork depicts something a bit more cranky looking! Definitely don't want to meet this guy in a dark alley in the forest!

This is my Brownie!

Screenshot 20200125 09.51.54.png

This is my Brownie at the moment... it has been leveled to Level 4 which is something that I made a priority of, as it gives the little guy access to two skills (Swiftness and Inspire)... this second skill (Inspire) makes the little guy a definite inclusion for any battles that are going to be Melee heavy, and at 1 mana, if you just need a speed boost, that is also a welcome addition.

Normally, I will only include the Brownie if I have a spare slot and an extra mana point... he doesn't normally go into my Earth line up without some thought first, as that often means displacing some other higher mana monster... but if mana is limited, then this guy is a sure fire chance for team submission!

I'm considering leveling him up to Level 5, but the actual benefit is really quite small... he gets a little bit faster... which isn't really that useful as he is normally in the middle of the team, being a support monster and not a brawler. However, that extra speed would give him a touch of survivability against opportunistic monsters due to the dodging... still, it might be worth not hoarding these cards (I have 4 ready and I need 8 more to level...) and selling them to get something that is more readily beneficial to my deck.

The Battle

The Battle that I'm sharing that features the Brownie is one where the two skills, which are normally bonuses on the team are actually being traded off against each other. I had a single mana slot free... and I thought that in this Fog of War Battle, that the Inspire ability would be great for adding that little bit of extra oomph for my tank (the Flesh Golem). Generally, Fog of War battles mean that I will play the Magic Splinter with some reflecting tank (Lord Arianthus) in the front... the bonus magic from the Magic Splinter Summoner with a severely Magic heavy lineup makes it quite a devastating line up... however, the Magic Splinter wasn't available for this battle!

In most Fog of War battles, the second skill (Swiftness) would also be a boon for the team... as it means that you get to try and rush the other team (with the objective being to try and take out their tank as fast as possible...). However, in this particular battle, the Swiftness is a disadvantage as one of the Battle Conditions is Reverse Speed.. meaning that slower monsters act first and are better at dodging... so, the Swiftness is actually making my monsters WORSE!

The Plan

My line up depends very highly on a strong melee tank (the Flesh Golem) staying up and in the fight... I have a Furious Chicken taking the lead to absorb and waste an enemy attack (hopefully a strong one...), and as soon as he goes down... then my line up is in place properly.

This being Fog of War, I have no need to worry about rear and opportunistic attacks... thus, I can place my supports (Wood Nymph and Brownie) back as far as possible with no additional protection. They will be protected only by the depth of the team... The Brownie goes first, if it comes to these two guys fighting... then I want both of them to be able to hit... so the Magic goes around the Melee!

The Wood Nymph and Flesh Golem combo gives a huge chance for survivability of the Flesh Golem tank... +2 health (from summoner and Wood Nymph) and 2 sets of healing (Wood Nymph and Flesh Golem) means that the enemy is going to have to hit really really hard and fast to bring down the Flesh Golem... something that I hope isn't possible!

As I had mentioned, the Swiftness from the Brownie is a disadvantage in this particular battle... however, I figure that the Flesh Golem has so many bonuses invested in it's survival already that it can handle being a little bit easier to hit. Plus, in many ways, having the monster with healing kick in too early means that it doesn't activate the healing in the first round as it isn't injured yet!

Another card that I play is the Swamp Thing... at Level 1 it is pretty weak, but I am only using it as an emergency shield in case the Flesh Golem goes down... plus, the Weakness that it casts on the enemy team means that they will go down just that little bit quicker!

So, a team strategy that focuses upon the Flesh Golem... a single point, which is what most low mana Fog of War battles end up becoming... a battle for that first position.

The Excecution

Haha... Funnily enough, my Furious Chicken actually got a hit in... it wasn't supposed to do anything other than get roasted... however, the damage it caused was minimal and rapidly healed away... but still, he managed to waste a strong 3 strength melee attack from the other team.

After this, the battle is a foregone conclusion... the Fog of War means that the other side can't hit anyone other than the Flesh Golem... which has 12 health plus 6 healing every round... and the enemy has a maximum of 8 damage total per round (with all the monsters up...). This is only going to go one way...

The enemy tank goes down fast enough... and after that, there is no way back from there... the archers are rapidly exposed and then it is game over.

Splinterlands (aka the best blockchain game out there!)

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