Daria Dragonscale VS Malric Inferno: Considerations

Notes: This post was previously published on my blog on another blogging platform.

Hello friends,
Summoners are very important in the Splinterlands game because only by increasing their level can cards of a higher level than the first level be used.
With high level cards you can advance in the leagues and consequently receive a greater number of rewards and DEC.

In fact, every day by completing the daily mission you receive chests that can contain cards.

Often the chests contain cards that you already own and that can be combined to obtain higher level cards with better statistics.

The problem is that level 1 summoners can only summon level 1 cards.

This is the main reason that pushed me to increase the level of my summoners.

Daria Dragonscale VS Malric Inferno

In this post I will compare two summoners who have the same ability: Daria Dragonscale and Malric Inferno




Both summoners have the ability to increase attack by melee attack cards by one point.

In the following image you can see the effect of this ability on a battle of mine.


Cost in Mana


Daria Dragonscale costs one point more mana than Malric Inferno and therefore you will have one point less to deploy monster cards in battle.

Cost in $

The moment I write the post Daria Dragonscale (Level 1) it costs $ 1.35 on the Splinterlands market.


Malric Inferno (Level 1) costs $ 1.05


Daria Dragonscale costs slightly more and the cost difference is 0.20 $

Comparing Statistics

Each summoner based on his level can summon cards of a certain level.

These are the statistics of Malric Inferno and Daria Dragonscale in comparison.


A first difference between the two summoners immediately catches the eye:

  • The maximum level of Daria Dragonscale is level 6
  • The highest level of Malric Hell is level 8

In the following image I have tried to graphically highlight the differences between the two summoners.


Daria Dragonscale at the same level allows you to summon higher level cards compared to Marlic Inferno.

For example Daria Dragonscale of level 4 can summon a common type card of level 7 while Marlic Inferno of level 4 can summon a common type card of level 5.

Untitled2 copia.jpg

Cost / Benefits

I take the example of **Gelatinous Cube **but this time of level 8.

When should I spend to be able to use it with Daria Dragonscale and Malric Inferno?

I have to bring:

Daria Dragonscale at level 5 (equivalent to buying 23 level 1 cards)
Marlic Inferno at level 6 (equivalent to buying 35 level 1 cards)

Let's do some calculations.



It is clear that the cost/benefit ratio is in favor of Daria Dragonscale.


Even if Daria Dragonscale has a higher mana cost than Malric Inferno, she has a much better cost / benefit ratio.

It also has the advantage of being able to use dragon cards in addition to the cards of each element.

Malric Inferno can only summon cards from the fire element.

The comparison wins him definitely Daria Dragonscale.

For those who have just started and want to quickly grow their rating Daria Dragonscale is a great choice.

Haven't you registered on Splinterlands yet?


If you are not yet registered on Splinterlands and have decided to register, you can do it from this link:


obviously if you like to use my refferal link ...

Splinterlands is a beautiful game but it is above all an excellent investment (my personal opinion).

If you liked my post leave a comment, an upvote or do a resteem.

See you on the Splinterlands battlefields.

Unless otherwise indicated, the images in this post are screenshots taken from the site:



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