Splinterlands: Pit Ogre - Pros and Cons (ENG)


This post is also written in Italian -> Italian version

Hi friends, with this post I participate in the beautiful weekly Splinterlands contest: "Share your battle".
This week's theme is the card: "Pit Ogre".

Pit Ogre

Each card has its own characteristics and statistics and Pit Ogre is a card that can be very useful in particular circumstances.

Main Features

Rare card of the Fire element

Pit Ogre is a rare card and is a card of the fire element.
It can be summoned by a fire summoner or a dragon summoner.
Here are some examples of summoners who can summon Pit Ogre:


Value and Statistics

Pit Ogre has an estimated value of $ 0.08 and a DEC value of 60.


Its statistics by level are as follows:


Pros and Cons

Now let's analyze what are the pros and cons of Pit Ogre


Pit Ogre has a unique pro and it's his ability.

1. The ability: Stun


It is an excellent ability and allows you to avoid an attack from the card that is in first position and that is generally a card with a very strong attack.
Note however that the Stun ability has no effect at every round of the battle, there is a probability that it will take effect but it doesn't always happen. The battle I shared in this post is an example: only once in three has the opponent's card been stunned.


1. Speed ​​

This is its biggest flaw. Speed ​​decides the order of attack. For this reason, if Pit Ogre collides with a card with a very strong attack and with a higher speed, he will hardly survive the first battle round.

2. Attack Points

Two points of attack are few for a card that is generally deployed in first position.

All other statistics such as mana cost (6) and life points (7) are average and therefore are neither a pros nor a cons.

When I use Pit Ogre

I honestly don't use this card often, there are much stronger cards but Pit Ogre becomes useful in some circumstances.
Very important are the "rules of combat".

Fighting rules favorable to Pit Ogre

Each battle has its own fighting rules:
In battles that have the following fighting rules Pit Ogre can become very useful.


In this circumstance Pit Ogre loses its biggest flaw (minimum speed) and acquires a maximum speed and can easily dodge many attacks.

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Pit Ogre has no armor points and has life points equal to 7. The two combat rules at the top allow you to deploy Pit Ogre in a more protected position (for example in the center) and not necessarily in first position.


Since Pit Ogre has no armor points, this combat rule allows Pit Ogre to become a more usefull card.

Other circumstances favorable to Pit Ogre

Battle with few mana available


Given the few mana points available, if our opponent deploys a single strong opponent's card, Pit Ogre's "Stun" ability could block many attacks from the opposing card.
Pit Ogre flanked by cards that attack from a distance and with a summoner that boosts his attack could be instrumental in winning the battle.

With which summoner

Two melee attack points are few and therefore I only use Pit Ogre together with summoners who are able to increase his attack strength as ** Malric Inferno **:


A battle of mine with Pit Ogre


If you want to see the battle you can do it from this link: https://steemmonsters.com?p=battle&id=d793ad17c6e18e8490a696d409599b65fa4538f6&ref=libertycrypto27

In the battle of this post I had the following conditions to respect:


As you well know the maximum of deployable cards is 7 (1 summoner + 6 monsters).
I chose to deploy (in order of position):

Pit Ogre - Grumpy Dwarf - Goblin Mech - Kobold Miner - Parasitic Growth - Cyclops

Malric Inferno (Summoner)


I chose to field Pit Ogre in first position because his speed in this battle (thanks to "Reverse Speed") becomes equivalent to the maximum (6).
For the same reason I tried to choose all the cards with a low speed.

I gave up deploying a card with attack from distance to put Goblin Mech in third position, in case my opponent had deployed a very strong card in first position.

Thanks to Malrich Inferno Pit Ogre and all melee attack cards gain +1 as an attack.

Was Pit Ogre decisive in this battle?

No. Pit Ogre only stuns the opponent once out of three attacks.

Could I use better cards and better strategy?

Of course I have better cards than Pit Ogre to deploy in first position ... but I wanted to participate in the beautiful Splinterlands contest;)

Not yet registered on Splinterlands?


Splinterlands is a beautiful game but it is above all a great investment (my personal opinion).

If you are not yet registered on Splinterlands and have decided to register, you can do it from this link:


obviously if you like to use my refferal link ...

If you liked my post leave a comment, an upvote or do a resteem.

See you on the Splinterlands battlefields.

Unless otherwise indicated, the images in this post are screenshots taken from the site:



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