Hi guys, what a great card to comment this week! It will be really hard to keep it simple and reasonably short... Let's try ;)

Card analysis

Gelatinous Cube (THE CUBE) is a common reward card currently being printed (about 30% to date). It is THE ONLY card presenting a game changer ability combo:
Heal + Scavenger.
Moreover at higher level it presents also void ability that adds it further endurance.

Main focus:

  • No attack (just a flabby absorbing)
  • 13 health (highest value for a self-healing monster) intended to rise due to scavenger: the more health rises, the more will be recovered by self-healing, giving rise to an unknown scenario so far: the


This is the huge power of the cube, making it a game changer card in:

  • Low mana matches full of easy-to-kill puppets
  • Earthquake ruleset (no need fo fatigue if the earth quakes and monsters get killed faster, rapidly increasing cube's health)

And really useful in high-mana matches as:

Use as a tank at your own risk, there is an high probability of being stunned or afflicted (support by cleanse monster will be indispensable) . Lord Arianthus is more suited to play as not-attacking tank.
As a sneak defender there are several different monsters playable, so I prefer placing the cube as a sniper-defender, so that it will become tank with an higher health and hopefully with a lower opposite tank attacking power.

The match

I play since few months to this beautiful game. I have invested some 💲💲💲 but not so much. So there are several really powerful cards that I don't own. As a consequence I definitely hate them. Lord Arianthus is for sure my enemy #1 card. Spirit of the forest is another. But who matters, I have the cube! This is so satisfying (SPOILER ALERT):

It's difficult to forget such an epilogue

But let's start from the beginning. Today I will share with you 2 matches (here and here) that I think are really explicative of the power of the cube. They are really really similar, showing the cube in earthquake working with opportunity's screecting volture.

My lineup is exactly the same in both matches, and also my opponents one (essentially: LA + some monster + Spirit of the Forest).


The common script:

  • Cocatrice rapidly killed
  • All puppies dies in first earthquake and cube gets the power.
  • Vulure kills critical monsters (mostly the chief).

Then history changes, but epilogue is the same: CUBE RULES in loooooong matches. First time by earthquake, second time by fatigue.

Postcard from Splinterlands.

Bonus track match

Ok, ok. I also have to share this crazy match. No earthquake. Just a normal match, but with CUBE vs CUBE 😱 😱😱 . Another little spoiler:


Final considerations

With great power comes great responsibility, yes, but in Splinterlands comes also great weaknesses... or NERFING🤣.

Despite being really powerful if well played, I think the cube will not be nerfed, because as a 6 mana card it really struggles to survive in some other situations, expecially if it is stunned, afflicted or against really high attacks.
So a great card, at the right mana price.


If you like my posts and are new to Splinterlands, what are you waiting for, take a team! And if desired you can use my referral, thanks!

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