Water, Magic and Splinterlands

Water, Magic and Splinterlands

Let’s step it up a little this week with water splinter be my favourite splinter and Alric being my favourite of all my summoners his +1 magic attack bonus really makes my magic lineup pack a punch.
But let’s not forget the mighty sea monster who does not need a bonus with his melee attack of 5 , health 9 and self heal he is not an easy target to take down.
If that’s not enough to gain your interest. One of the rewards cards you can earn just by playing daily quests and as a season reward card is the Ruler of the seas . This legendary card is a must have for any water splinter lineup. With magic attack 2 and 5 health he is not a tank by any means but as a back line troop he can really cause some damage .

My Lineup

My favourite lineup Consists of the Spineback Turtle as tank up front he offers a good defence with his 2 shield and 6 health and costing only 4 mana he is a must have card, as you level up your Spineback Turtle He gains spike and his defence becomes even stronger. The Crustacean King is next up as healer, whilst the Crustacean King gains range attack at level 3 it’s main role is to keep the Spineback Turtle alive. With Alric’s magic bonus the ruler of the seas and Mischievous Mermaid make strong magic support cards. I would normally not place a range in front of the magic cards but I have found that if the Ruler of the Seas is placed to close to the tank he is at risk of splash damage and is taken out of the battle too soon. The Mischievous Mermaid could be swapped with the Crustacean King with the same results, but my Mischievous Mermaid gained dodge at level 3. With this in mind I put it in the rear guard to defend from sneak attack.

Battle link

@Airshipidea’s Lineup

As you can see from my battle for a low mana cap battle I was able to deal a lot of damage . @airshipidea had a strong lineup choosing Dragon and Life Splinter, to give his level 3 Sacred Unicorn 6 attack and Manticore lending support with 3 attack and reach . With even a Divine Healer to heal up the Sacred Unicorn I must admit I was not sure I’d get through their frontline. And just for an added punch there was a level 6 Silvershield Archers with double strike this card gave me the most trouble and with it costing only 2 mana it is a great choice.
The only card I was not sure fitted in the lineup was the Silvershield Bard , with cleanse being it's only real use I can only assume @airshipidea had been fighting death splinter and gotten poisoned.
Anyways I liked @airshipidea’s lineup and think it would win a lot of battles .
If you lose don’t always assume it was because your line up was bad , a lot of factors come into play and game knowledge can help you win battles also checking what your opponent played previously should be an auto check on every battle if you want to rank up.
And remember to look at how your monsters abilities can work together.

Play Splinterlands

If you love playing Splinterlands why not do a post if your own and post it on social media. By doing this we can let everyone know about this awesome game and you never know you may even get an upvote from @splinterlands if you put in a little time and effort.
If you like the way my post looks make sure to check out @carrieallen’s 😎 awesome post 😎 and learn how to make your post look awesome.
Just remember the cards you collect are yours and can be sold. With this in mind the more people playing the less cards there are to go around and the more people will be willing to pay for them. Do tell your friends, tell your family tell your dog. Ok well maybe not your dog but you get the idea. Tell everyone and most of all remember to have fun. Splinterlands is an awesome game and should be enjoyed.
You can also speak to others playing Splinterlands on Discord and Telegram.

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