BROWNIES: Little Monkeys Making Big Difference | Weekly Battle Challenge


Greetings, Steemians...

🌟It is Weekly Challenge Time🌟


This is my submission in SHARE YOUR BATTLE Weekly Challenge.

This week's theme is BROWNIE


The Brownies consist of several tribes, all living in the branches of the Elder Tree in Anumün’s East Wood. They can speak, learn and trade, but these small creatures are basically primates, similar to baboons. The tribes frequently war among themselves, using crude weapons such as sticks, rocks and projectile seeds.
BROWNIE, the little monkey, may seem harmless at first glance but let me assure you that it packs a serious punch. Costing just 1 mana, BROWNIE have two awesome abilities(at level 4): one Inspire and second Swiftness. I like using using BROWNIE with DARIA DRAGONSCALE summoner, giving all my melee monsters +2 attack(real punch).


My Entry

This was a 17 mana battle with two rules: Unprotected and Lost Legendaries. Perfect conditions for melee attack. So, I choose to play using DARIA DRAGONSCALE(Dragon Summoner) with earth element.


Battle Link


Team Selection and Placement

I used DARIA DRAGONSCALE becuase the conditions(shield down and no legendaries) were perfect for brute melee attack.

I placed FLESH GOLEM upfront because of large health and healing ability. Also DARIA and BROWNIE gave my FLESH GOLEM attack of 5. Gold foil cards always look cool. Don't they???

MANTICORE came one down, on its usual position. For the record MANTICORE is among my most favorite cards in the game. Decent attack, speed and great health with some crazy combination of abilities(flying, reach, thorns). Keep in mind, I had+2 melee attack and +1 speed attack boost(thanks to DARIA and BROWNIE). I am planning on further upgrading MANTICORE, giving it melee attack of 3(+2).

I choose BROWNIE to be on the third position, mainly because it had the inspire ability giving my melee monsters attack boost, and swiftness ability as an additional perk. Awesome combo of abilities especially considering low mana cost of only 1. Despite of the low health, it is still difficult to kill BROWNIE due to its high speed.

On fourth place came SWAMP THING. A nice low mana card with weaken ability and descend health to fend off some melee sneak attacks.

On the very last, I used FURIOUS CHICKEN, since I had card slots left unoccupied. FURIOUS CHICKEN is a perfect candidate for first or last card, as it costs nothing and indeed provides small cushion to your team.


Having +2 melee attack really gave me an edge over the opponent. My MANTICORE and FLESH GOLEM having 9 ,melee attack combined did finished things off rather quickly. The enemy lost due to the choice of summoner. I had a +2 melee attack boost in comparison to +1 boost of enemy.


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That will be all for today.
Take very good care of yourself and people close to you..
Until next time...


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