Ketika Jurnalis Menerima Kekalahan Dengan Tawa | When Journalists Receive Defeat With Laughter |

Jurnalis Pase Football Club atau JPFC adalah sebuah klub sepakbola yang terdiri dari jurnalis media cetak dan elektronik di Lhokseumawe dan Aceh Utara (Pase). Para jurnalis sepakat mewadahi hobi bermain bola dalam sebuah klub bernama JPFC pada 2007.

Sejak itu, banyak kegiatan JPFC, tidak hanya di Lhokseumawe dan Aceh Utara, tetapi di sejumlah daerah di Aceh, bahkan sampai ke Medan, Sumatera Utara. Tidak hanya pertandingan persahabatan dengan berbagai lembaga dan klub, tetapi juga ikut berprestasi dalam turnamen.

Contohnya Turnamen 40 Tahun HUT PT Arun NGL yang digelar di Stadion PT Arun. Turnamen khusus untuk pemain berusia 40 tahun itu, JPFC sukses menjadi kampiun.

Pase FC Journalist Team when attending PWI Aceh North Cup tournament, a futsal tournament special for journalist, a few month ago.

My action in a friendly match at Hiraq Lhokseumawe Square, Aceh, Indonesia.

Tapi untuk turnamen bebas usia, JPFC tentunya tidak dapat berbuat banyak. Usia pemain memang rata-rata 35 tahun, tapi staminanya sudah 53 tahun. Permainan hanya menarik di 10 menit pertama.

Itulah yang terlihat ketika JPFC meramaikan Open Tournament Kapolres Lhokseumawe Cup 2017, Jumat 21 Juli 2017. JPFC hanya mampu mengimbangi anak-anak muda berusia rata-rata 20 tahun dari Istana Buah FC. Setelah itu, stamina pemain JPFC yang di antaranya sudah berusia 45 tahun, langsung drop. Alhasil, gawang JPFC bobol 15 kali tanpa satu pun gol balasan.

Meski kalah telak, pemain JPFC tetap tertawa. "Kami hanya meramaikan turnamen ini dan sudah membayangkan akan kalah telak," ungkap Ketua Umum JPFC, Saiful Bahri, jurnalis dari Serambi Indonesia.

Sebelum bermain, seorang perwira Polres Lhokseumawe memberi bocoran bahwa pemain IBFC selalu latihan. "Mereka hanya tidak main futsal saat Maghrib saja," kata sang perwira.

Dengan nada bercanda, pemain JPFC mengingatkan pemain IBFC agar jangan mengalahkan JPFC dengan hujan gol. "Kalau kami kalah memalukan, besok tidak berani datang lagi. Jangan sampai berita turnamen ini hanya satu kali naik," kata seorang pemain JPFC.

Tapi gawang JPFC yang dijaga Haris Atok Maulana dan Rahmad Mirza tetap menjaga lumbung gol. Maklumlah, pemain IBFC bukan hanya muda, tapi juga berprestasi karena baru sepekan menjuarai Nasir Djamil Cup.

Meski kalah, para jurnalis pun tetap tertawa. Tidak selamanya kekalahan harus diratapi.[]


Pase Futsal Club Journalist Team who was slaughtered 15-0 in Lhokseumawe Lhokseumawe Police Open Tournament at Garuda Field, Friday 21 July 2017. Despite the defeat, we keep laughing because against professional club.

Journalist Pase Football Club or JPFC is a football club consisting of print and electronic media journalists in Lhokseumawe and Aceh Utara (Pase). The journalists agreed to embrace the hobby of playing soccer in a club called JPFC in 2007.

Since then, there have been many JPFC activities, not only in Lhokseumawe and Aceh Utara, but in some areas in Aceh, even to Medan, North Sumatra. Not only friendly matches with various institutions and clubs, but also excel in the tournament.

For example the 40th Anniversary Tournament of PT Arun NGL held at PT Arun Stadium. Special tournament for the 40-year-old player, JPFC successfully become champion.
But for an age-free tournament, JPFC certainly can not do much. The age of the players is an average of 35 years, but the stamina is 53 years. The game only draws in the first 10 minutes.

That's what looks when JPFC enliven the Lhokseumawe Cup 2017 Open Tournament Cup, Friday, July 21, 2017. JPFC is only able to keep up with the average 20-year-old youth of the FC Fruit Palace. After that, the stamina of JPFC players who are already aged 45 years, immediately drop. As a result, wicket JPFC collapse 15 times without a single goal replies.

Despite the defeat, the JPFC player still laughs. "We just enliven this tournament and have imagined will be defeated," said Chairman of JPFC, Saiful Bahri, journalist from Serambi Indonesia.

Before playing, an Lhokseumawe Police officer gave a leak that IBFC players always practice. "They just do not play futsal while Maghrib alone," said the officer.

With a joking tone, the JPFC player reminds the IBFC player not to beat JPFC with a goal rain. "If we lose the embarrassment, tomorrow dare not come anymore, do not let the news of this tournament just one ride," said a JPFC player.

But the keeper JPFC who kept Haris Atok Maulana and Rahmad Mirza still keep the goal barn. Maklumlah, IBFC players not only young, but also achievers because only a week win Nasir Djamil Cup.

Despite the defeat, the journalists were still laughing. Not always defeat must be lamented. Enjoy please...

We had practice the previous night which made the players all the players achy for never playing futsal.

A JPFC player, @azirgraff should get special treatment due to fatigue after a landslide defeat in the tournament, Friday 21 July 2017.

Photos document of JPFC

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