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Have you ever tried comparing between these two great and beneficial sports? Have you ever thought about which one fits you better?

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Let's start with: SWIMMING!

Swimming like running should be practiced two or three times a week in sessions of 45 minutes to 1 hour.

Whatever the activity you decide to do you should enjoy it. Swimming is a complete sport, maybe it is a complete sport of all because You use all the muscles of the legs, trunk, and arms. It is a sport that can be practiced by people of all ages and has no impact unlike that which may have been running or walking. We must keep in mind that strength is better That in sports you go against gravity.

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Swimming allows you to do cardiovascular work, it helps you lose weight and tone your muscles. It also helps many people who suffer from problems in the back or in the joints due to the weightlessness of the aquatic environment. The style cool or free is which is recommended for faster swimming. Swimming is a complete exercise where the muscles of the body are worked, although when we run or walk we work more the lower train or the front.

And now- RUNNING!

Running is a very effective sport for weight loss, besides that you should not invest any money or maybe if but it is more economical and you need less preparation than in the swimming. Although it should not be practiced by people who are overweight because it can arrive to be counterpoint to your ankle and knee joints. If you are very obese, it is preferable to walk.

Running is ideal for taking care of the osseous system and in relation to bones that need impact exercises to increase the density. Something that can not be achieved by swimming, walking or running daily and adding it to your routine can increase the production of Cartilage that helps prevent arthritis. Swimming or running can increase the blood flow to the ear, being a carrier of nutrients that can help preserve a well-functioning ear, only that people who decide to swim usually have difficulty adapting to the water environment with respect to their ears.

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Runners routinely speed up the process by which the body's cells produce new muscles, especially if it is put on grass or sand instead of running on pavement. Be the exercise of your preference, swimming and running has its benefits and also its cons. But it is better to take advantage of all its benefits that in the long run are the best to keep us healthy. You must keep in mind that everything is in discipline and constancy, that Is the secret to having the best results, not only must be a hobby and you must have a certain schedule to practice it and days of the week.

Do you want to be a swimmer or want to run to become the winner of a marathon? 

In both sports you can be a winner, everything depends on your effort and dedication in the sport that you decide to practice, you have the last word, just see which is the best for you and decide to start practicing it as soon as possible.


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