Why Amanda Nunes Was Right Not To Fight

So for those of you know UFC Bantamweight champion Amanda Nunes was supposed to fight Valentina Shevchenko for the second time to defend her title. The previous match Nunes won by decision. Everybody has been ranting & raving about it with their own opinions about this and that. Here's my take…

Sinusitis is a real fucking issue! Let me tell all the morons who are calling her "scared" to defend her belt…until you've had sinus problems in my opinion you have no ground to stand on. I've always had allergies and it didn't matter what season but spring/summer was usually the worst. Does everyone know what sinusitis is? Here's the medical definition for you: [Sinusitis, also known as a sinus infection or rhinosinusitis, is inflammation of the sinuses resulting in symptoms. Common signs and symptoms include thick nasal mucus, a plugged nose, and pain in the face. Other signs and symptoms may include fever, headaches, poor sense of smell, sore throat, and cough.] So once you understand that the inflammation results in mucus, pain, swelling, infection which leads to less oxygen available for your body, you might understand what she's going through. Not to mention, your equilibrium is off so you get dizzy spells constantly and what do you think that might do to a professional mixed martial artist? That's what she is…she's not doing some bullshit fight in a warehouse somewhere.

I grew up with a deviated septum and that led to many sinus infections throughout my childhood. That would mean I usually had antibiotics every 6months. If I had a copy of it, I would show you the xray of my head and you could see my septum which is supposed to be straight down, was literally curved to one side. That would cut off any sinus drainage and it would constantly get blocked and I'd be sooooooo fucking tired from that. Then the infection would develop and I'd be back in the doctor's office again getting penicillin. Look at this xray below, that middle part of the nose is your septum that separates your right & left nasal cavity. Mine was literally curved to the left so bad I needed surgery.

Check this out, when I got to be 21-22 it got so bad that I was literally too tired to carry stuff across the beach and my buddy would make fun of me for it. The less oxygen you can inhale, the less your body and muscles can do, and the worse you will perform. That's where Amanda Nunes comes in. Let's see what she told everybody.


So based on just my own history with this condition, this sounds 100% legit to me. There have been fighters who have had staph infections weeks before a fight & still fight and end up losing. But at least they didn't puss out right? Stupid. She doesn't owe you anything. If anything, she owes it to herself to make sure she's in the best condition possible for each & every fight. She has endorsements, her title belt, this is her job, her career that is on the fucking line…please people don't tell her what she should do. Don't sound off and say some stupid bullshit like "She's scared, she can't defend her belt," that is the most…low brow dumb shit you can say. Get real, if you paid for the PPV just ask for a refund if it irks you that bad. That's my rant for today, and they will reschedule the fight so all is not lost. So everybody just cool the fuck out!

P.S. For UFC President Dana White to say that she wouldn't headline again is fucking bullshit & I can't believe he would even do that so fuck him.

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