It’s Spring! - You Know What That Means

Just look at all the water.

It’s a beaut out there today! I was walking along, getting the mail, when I noticed something laying in our yard. Yup, I had some business to take care of. It was diaper picking time!

Like most people living in the country, we burn our burnable garbage, and the rest we toss into a dumpster. Being we have 2 kids in diapers, our dumpster was filling quickly! It’s about $50 each time we have the dumpster emptied, so the Big Man wanted me to wait until the thing was heaping full before I called the local sanitation service.

Usually, this wasn’t a big deal...until winter came. Picture a bunch of snow blowing in around the dumpster and a German Shepherd who was now able to climb the snow to reach inside. He sure was interested in those dirty diapers! Sigh...

So now that it’s really melting out there, I see he has found his stash that was previously preserved in the frozen snow. I grabbed my rubber gloves and plastic bags to go diaper picking!

The sun made it hard to see where I was taking pictures.


And you thought fresh diapers were bad.

This one will still have to wait.

Ugh dog!

Guilty party of 1

Well, I think I got most of them, but we’ll see how many more show up as the melting progresses. I’m going to give cloth diapers a try again, mainly to save money on having the dumpster emptied so often. Avoiding this mess is a bonus.
Happy spring cleaning!

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