On Splinterlands Discord server, there was a discussion about whether or not the game favors those who invested huge money in the game. "There's nothing lower to mid-tier" players to gain from the game.
Personally, I think the game doesn't. But they're right if you're talking about buying packs. Unless you bought a huge amount of them or were very lucky you probably won't get your investment worth right away. Unless you buy hundreds/thousands of packs you won't be able to Max your cards levels.
You don't have to buy powerful cards to progress!
So I decided to write about my Splinterlands journey. I don't have accurate stats and I'm only confident talking about the past month. Here you go:
The last "End of Season" Rewards...
Only two Rares? The rest are Commons? Kinda Disappointing.
3400 DEC ! ($3+)
My estimation of my earnings by winning Ranked matches in the last 20 days is 3400 DEC. It's rough estimation but I lost a lot of battles I got better teams by the end of it so I can earn more now in the same time-frame.
This is done by playing 20-25 battles each day but missed 2 days. I only used low level Summoners and Monsters th whole time. Went from Bronze I to Gold III and never sold my Reward Cards in those 20 days.
(My Current Rented Cards)
To get Gold III level I rented bunch of cards from Peakmonsters:
- The legendary Water Splinter "Valnamor" for $0.003 a day.
- The Legendary Earth Splinter "Prince Rennyn" for $0.018 a day.
- Five lv4 commons and lv3 rares for 0.001 a day each.
I got "Ruler of the Seas" as a Reward card and decided to use it. Currently it's my Strongest Card despite being Level 1. I build my Water teams around it.
That's around $2.30 profit for someone who didn't invest anything except the money to rent cards.
Selling all the Reward Cards I earned will give me at least another $5. But I was lucky and got some Gold Foils. I can't depend on this for my estimation.
Plan For December
This month (from yesterday through Dec) I rented Gold Lv 4 (Alpha) Fire Splinter and more gold cards for $0.42 a month. Will probably rent other Splinters with the same value.
I'll sell most of the Reward Cards I earn this time. Since I'm renting better cards I Hope to reach at least Gold I. We'll see if this strategy will earn me more than what I earned in November.