Super sneak, double blast makes the fire splinter unique

Every week the #Splinterlands team holds a highlight your battle challenge. You can read more about the weekly battle challenge here.

This week's theme is the Fire splinter.

I wanted to highlight this cool battle I had utilizing the fire splinter against @amelino.

First lets talk about the rule set for this battle


Rule sets were Super Sneak and Rise of the Commons with 31 mana which will give me some flexibility of monster choices.

Super Sneak: Means that all melee monsters have the sneak ability.
Rise of the commons: means that only common and rare monsters may be used in battles.

Summoner Selection:

I choose Malric over Pyre because I wanted the +1 melee instead of the +1 speed. I don't typically use +1 speed, the only time I think I would see myself using Pyre is in a Keep Your Distance ruleset where melee is forbidden.


Monster Selection

1rst Position: I choose the Molten Ogre for this position because it has 12 health so it is a great tank and has the demoralize ability which gives -1 to my opponents. Given the super sneak rule there is a greater chance my opponent will use melee monsters, so this card will weaken them.


2nd position: I used my serpentine spy for this position. Although he has the opportunity ability the super sneak ruleset overrides the ability and he attacks my opponents rear position. He is mainly placed here to protect my 2 fragile blast masters in the middle. His piercing will also come in handy because my opponent had been using the life splinter with Tyrus for additional armor.


3rd position: I put Exploding Dwarf in this position to protect him from attacks from my opponent because of his 1 health he is very weak and prone to quick death unless sandwiched in the middle of a line-up. His blast plus piercing makes him a very powerful attacker for this ruleset. Blast in this ruleset will hit the 2 rear most creatures.


4th Position:
I choose Gremlin Blaster for position 4 because he has more health than the Exploding dwarf and the majority of the attacks should be from the back so he will take any damage before the exploding dwarf will. He also has blast and low health so I put him in position 4. Position 3 and 4 are in the middle of the team and provide the most protection for the monsters there.


5th Position:
I choose Grumpy Dwarf for my 5th position because he has some health and a little armor and was 4 mana which I had left over after I picked all of the other cards. He is acting as a buffer between the last spot and my powerful attackers, the gremlin and dwarf.


6th Position
I picked Cerberus for the last position because it has self-heal. He will be taking the majority of the melee damage in this ruleset so it's best to use a self-heal monster here. His 3+1 melee is also very useful with the 4 mana cost.


My strategy worked very well for this battle, the molten ogre was the only causality I suffered. If I had more mana to work with I probably would have put the Chain Golem first and molten ogre at the rear of the line and gotten rid of the Grumpy Dwarf or Serpentine Spy. To be honest the fire splinter is the splinter I play the least. I really only like to play the fire splinter on melee mayhem or super sneak. Those rule sets always have me thinking fire first though. My main problem with the fire splinter is there is no healer for my level 3 summoners and therefore not as enjoyable to me.

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