Talking Crypto And Augmenting Brains: Having A Literal Blast Supporting Steem With Tim Cliff, Promo-Steem & Oracle-D!

Leadership is the capacity to influence others through inspiration motivated by passion, generated by vision, produced by a conviction, ignited by a purpose. - Myles Munroe

Those of you who've decided to be part of @timcliff's SteemBlast Social Media Campaign will know what I'm refering to.

It's simply mind-blowing to see how the Steem community is standing together these days in order to raise awareness for our common blockchain project.

Helping to translate Tim's anchor post It's time to start paying attention to Steem into Spanish (Steem, ha llegado tu hora) has helped me a lot to fully comprehend the true potential that lies in Steem from an investors perspective.

Thanks for that, Tim!

Another absolutely brilliant piece of content for investors was provided by @cryptocurator who perfectly summarized An Opportunity for An Investor.

And then they left for making some noise...

We often talk about the soft facts and how much we enjoy being part of this community, but how many of us are familiar with the hard facts and would be able to even professionally pitch Steem to blockchain technology experts?

You may believe that Steem users are merciless, but go jump into a crypto investors group on facebook and you'll come to know what a real verbal exchange looks like.

Well I can tell you that being part of this experiment and being provided with the opportunity to go out and raise awareness for Steem among true crypto experts, was a tremendous experience for me with regards to knowledge and personal growth.

A classic win-win.

Here's to the greatness of community-driven events and new horizons!

Illustration by @timcliff

Augmenting brains

The best learning practice - independently from the field of interest - is still to be thrown in at the deep end and then go start paddling.

Tim provided us with a tremendous set of graphics and memes that had been created by the Steem community, in order to promote our blockchain in the investors' space.

Yet, spamming the hell out of social networks with as much posts as possible, was surely not the purpose.

Most investment decisions are surely not based on crypto-memes which is why I prefered to use my strongest channel (Twitter) for a rather unpretentious post, linking Tim's anchor post and using as much crypto-related tags as possible.

Apparently it worked - two big influencer accounts started to follow me after publishing the Tweed and so far it has been retweeted 12 times!


The best-selling author and keynote-speaker Bernard Marr ("Data Strategy") with 100K+ followers and LA's Crypto Investment Summit with 14K+ followers reacted with a follow:



Another learning to me was that there are a lot of crypto-related tags being used on Instagram.

Since Instagram is a rather fast medium I opted for a graphic to share, not providing too much additional information.

Interestingly there were a couple of nice reactions to my post, such as a couple of new follows from crypto and blockchain related accounts as well as traders.

Just to mention one: - a platform that seeks to connect average investors with professional, institutional-level traders and money managers - reacted with a follow to my instapost.

The graphic I published in my Instagram account, provided by @voronoi (team @sndbox)


Promoting crypto on facebook - a paradox?

While one might believe that those who're striving for a new world order would try to stay away from the centralized forces such as Facebook, the opposite is actually the case.

What I also learned today is that on Facebook investors promote the coins they're personally invested in :-)

Thanks to @hungryhustle's ice-breaking animated meme (gratefully provided by @rannarvasa1), an interesting conversation about the importance of transaction times on blockchains is now going on here.

I 've definitely changed my mind about memes today, they can be really powerful!


What would you reply to someone who tells you that Nano is faster than Steem? Exactly: speed is not everything :-)

My favourite question being asked in the group was:

What is Steem transacting?

Don't we want people to ask us such questions all the time?

What started with a crypto-meme has now evolved into a deeper conversation about PROs and CONs of blockchains and tokens.


Join us in the closed group called Cryptocurrency Investing (139K+ followers) in order to participate in the convo.


Motivated by the raise in awareness, I also joined another cryptocurrency group on Facebook called Bitcoin & Cryptocurrency with more than 550K follwers.

Luckily my link to Tim's anchor post was approved by the admins.



As I mentioned before the SteemBlast has turned out to be a great experience in terms of knowledge.

I feel that my brain has literally been augmented thanks to the uncountable conversations about blockchain technology in general and Steem in particular I got involved today.

Now did the activity lead to the desired results?

Our (ambitious) goal is that as a result of this social media blast day, we push into the top 20. - @timcliff in his latest SteemBlast Campaign Announcement

Well we're definitely on the right way... (upwards)

Steem in the markets today (source: Bittrex)

Thank you!

Thanks for the idea and given opportunity @timcliff, thank you @oracle-d for getting the Steem Ambassador team and #promo-steem enthusiasts activated, thank you @starkerz and @cryptocurator for providing us with the required tools and knowledge, and thanks to everybody else from the Steem community who participated in the event!

Remember: Each of us can make a difference, but only together we implement change.

Much love,
Marly -
Steem Ambassador
This blog was created in July 2016, aiming to provide thought-provoking content for open-minded people who go on adventure, step out of comfort zones and embrace the new.
Thanks for being part of the journey!


PS: All my blog posts are created and submitted via eSteem Surfer 1.1.12 - my favorite Steem desktop client that was developed by @good-karma's @esteemapp team. Check out their account for more information.

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