Padawan Learner (Volume 1): Learn About Star Wars Force Abilities

(Image via Wookiepedia)

This is my first volume of the Padawan learner series and I will be teaching you about the immense Star Wars Galaxy. You would learn many of these abilities as a Padawan Learner, or Jedi-in-training.

Star Wars Force Abilities:

Force push: Force push is a force ability used a lot by force users, including Jedi and Sith. It is used to throw enemies far backwards. It is a very common and useful ability to have in your arsenal. Some notable practitioners are Yoda, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker.



Force lightning: Force lightning is an ability that allows the user to shoot lighting out of their hands. This force power is a very dark ability. It is almost only used by darkside practitioners and is outlawed among the Jedi order. The lightning is the most powerful when the user calls on all of his/her anger, hatred and other dark emotions. Notable practitioners of this ability are Darth Sidious, and Count Dooku.

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Force telekinesis : This is an extremely common force ability. It is the ability to move objects through the use of the force. When you do this you move objects without even touching them. This could be used to lift objects as large as an X-wing or stop large objects from falling on you. It can also be useful in battle if you use it to fling objects at an opponent. Some notable practitioners are Yoda, Luke Skywalker.


Force leap: Force leap, (also known as force jump), is a force ability that allows the user to jump great distances.



Force choke: Force choke is an attack used by dark side users as a means of executing someone, interrogating them or it can be used during the heat of a battle. It causes them to not be able to breath and they start clutching their neck. It is possible to block a force choke if you are a strong enough force user. Notable users of the force choke are Darth Vader and Count Dooku.


Hope you learned something about Star Wars lore. Check back for Volume 2 soon. May the force be with you!

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