Steemit Twitter Activity Feb 9th - Feb 15th

I mainly keep up with the news via Twitter. You can easily customise the sources for people you trust and the topics for ones that interest you.

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Did you know a twitter account with 1.4m followers and 10m YouTube subscribers made a Steemit post this week?

Twitter is more than just a news source. It is one of the most influential media outlets today. Everyone from the President of the United States to the Pope are on it. By analysing who is posting on Twitter about Steem/it we can get some interesting insights about geographical activity as well as trends in media penetration.

This report is still a work in progress so please let me know if you spot anything a bit unusual

Global Activity

This first graph shows the number of Steemit Tweets Globally for the past 7 days.
i.e. the number of Tweets where Steemit has been mentioned (ex retweets)

Global Tweets_1.png

Who were the top Tweeters?

Top Tweeters by frequency_2.1.png

Top Tweeters by followers_2.2.png

It's not possible to get the exact location of all tweets but the following analysis includes a representative sample of global twitter activity.

Global Activity_3.png
Red dots = population centers with no Tweets
Green dots and Size represent the number of Tweets

Breakdown by Region

Global Activity_3.1.png

Global Activity_3.2.png

Global Activity_3.3.png

Global Activity_3.4.png

Global Activity_3.5.png

Global Activity_3.6.png

A lot of the twitter activity is retweets. This last graph shows the breakdown of the tweets/retweets in the top 8 cities.

Top Cities_4.png

Thank you for reading this. I write on Steemit about Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, Travel and lots of random topics.

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