More Important Steemit Stats (100% Legit)

I had some trouble finding out where the highest ranking stat posts originate from.
Apparently they all come from some crater in South Africa, but I can't really believe that.
I didn't go further into this. Instead, I roughly analyzed the different categories and how much they pay.

Rewards per category

  • OC:

Pays OK

  • Achievement:

Tell your followers how much you have achieved to achieve more

  • Photo/Food:

The original blogging. Pays well.

  • Trail self-votes

Curate to get votes. Looks easy enough.

  • BTCC / Bobby Lee

Did you know ? There is a Twitter poll going on right now !!!!11

  • Stats

Statistics pay best and don't require any originality and little work.

SP/reward correlation

During my in-depth analysis, I have also found an interesting correlation between the poster's STEEM Power and the expected rewards. To my surprise, it seems that the more SP you hold, the more votes you will get.
It seems, that with enough SP you can post short and simple content and will receive much more rewards, than the average noob.

The magic threshold seems to be somewhere around 50k STEEM Power.
I leave the interpretation open to the reader.

Comment/SP correlation

The amount of comments a post gets, seems to also increase with the amount of SP the poster has.

I leave the interpretation to the reader.

Trending Page

To round these stats up, I have analyzed the Trending Page.

Apparently the Trending Page is dominated by the same group of users every day.
I have some ideas, why that would be the case, but I'm not sure.
Since I don't want to go about speculation too much, I will not comment this at this time.


  • stack up on STEEM Power
  • try to get into elite circles
  • make friends with the trending posters
  • post statistics.

Chances are, you came a bit late into this game.
That's not a big deal. Keep commenting on the trending posts and tell them how great they are. They might throw you a crumb here and there. Consistency is key.
Another chance might be, to learn Korean quickly. I've heard that pays well, too.

All data in this post has been gathered with highly advanced, scientific methods and compiled with MS Paint.

Warning: This post may contain traces of sarcasm.

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