NEW Applications for the Steem Blockchain - Idea’s - Let’s collaborate..

From the outset, @dan and @ned have been clear, Steemit is not the be all and end all of the Steem Blockchain. There are a wide range of application that could be built on the Steem Blockchain.

I’m intending on this being a weekly post, where I will present the best idea’s from myself and the community, and invite collaboration and feedback to see if we can get any of new application idea’s off the ground..

I’m hoping that, by getting the conversation started, we can inspire the talented coders in the Steemit community to take on one (or more..) of these project, and further adoption of the Steem Blockchain in the process.

Source: @steemitguide

The following will be a brief outline of an idea I have for an application on the Steem Blockchain. I would be interested to hear further thoughts based around this idea, and other original idea's, so we can get the ball rolling on a community lead collaboration.

Reviewed - Powered by Steem:

Brief Outline
The concept behind this application is, a trip-adviser style website, for reviewing/receiving advise on everything and anything. There has been many successful posts on Steemit reviewing products, holidays, hotels, restaurants,…etc.

Having a dedicated application where users can contribute their experience and reviews, and other users can request advice on anything they would like, could be a good use case for the Steem Blockchain.

Some Further Thoughts...
Imagine a trip-adviser style platform where users get rewarded for their contribution. Both the Question, the Answer and the Curators of those Questions and Answers.

There is some discontent within the Steemit community which seems to revolve around the disparity in rewards. The same authors receiving the large rewards, and the masses struggling to earn a few cents. The problem with valuing subjective contributions, is they have different value to different people.

The Questions/Answers format, and Product Review is a much more quantitative contribution.

It would be imperative for content on this application to be indexed correctly. This would make valuable content accessible, and the same Questions and Answers not being duplicated..

There are certainly advantages to having such an application on the Steem Blockchain. Abuse of power, from Youtube stars, to content driven websites makes it easy to mistrust advice received online. A reputation style system attached to each users would be a good way to stem fears held by information consumers.

Interested to hear your thoughts on this idea. Obviously, this is a very rough idea which would need much more thought if anyone was ever going to take it on....

I’m more interested for community members to contribute their idea’s for new application on the Steem Blockchain. The best idea’s will be feature each week moving forward…

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