How to use Steem-Bounty - One of the most popular DApp on Steem Blockchain

This is a detailed How-To guide that explains about the working of the Steam-Bounty platforms. This would give you insights into what Steem-Bounty is, how it works, what purpose it serves and why the Steemit Community shall consider using this.

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- Downloadable PDF available.
- Added Table of Contents.
- Updated sections title with section numbers for easy reference.
- Updated multiple bounty details under section 3.1-Step 5.

Table of Contents

1. What is Steem-Bounty?
2. Why to use Steem-Bounty?
- 2.1. Reward high quality content
- 2.2. For asking questions or seeking help
3. How to use Steem-Bounty?
- 3.1. Approach 1: From within SteemIt or any other similar Steem UI
- 3.2. Appraoch 2: From Steem-Bounty Website
4. How to earn Bounty?
5. When is Bounty distributed?
6. How to see expired Bounty posts?
7. People behind Steem-Bounty

1. What is Steem-Bounty?

Steem-Bounty is a platform built on top of the Steem Blockchain that rewards the community members with additional rewards, besides what Steem has to offer by default. As it is built on top of the Steem Blockchain, it makes it quite easy for people to use who are already familiar with Steemit.

Using this platform, any individual or organisation who is part of the Steemit community can set an additional reward by following few simple steps. These rewards get distributed amongst all the people who commented on the post/article after the Steem payouts happen. While distributing these rewards, 4 primary factors that are considered are:

  • Comments that have received Upvotes from the Author of the post himself and with how much voting power.
  • Is the comment a top-level comment or a reply to an existing comment? Top-level comments are valid candidates for getting a Steem-Bounty reward.
  • Comments that have received maximum upvotes from the other community members.
  • Is the account blacklisted? Steem-Bounty maintains a list of blacklist accounts based on community feedback and past history of the accounts.

2. Why to use Steem-Bounty?

Steem is a great platform and has already revolutionised the way social/community websites work. With the integrated rewarding platform of Steem, community members get rewarded in-turn of contributing content.
This is all driven by Steem’s Proof of Brain ( concept which intelligently distributes rewards to active community members in the form of STEEM/SBD.

2.1. Reward high quality content

Steem has lately been spammed with several fake user accounts, numerous bots and low quality content which even gets rewarded.
Steem-Bounty tried to address this by rewarding the user comments in a bit more intelligent way and giving out additional rewards to high quality content contributors.

2.2. For asking questions or seeking help

Unlike the traditional answering platforms, with Steem-Bounty, users can actually seek help or responses to questions from the community and seek their help. Not all users might be interested in responding to your posts, but when it has a bounty set on it, people know that providing helpful responses would makes them stand a chance to earn more.

3. How to use Steem-Bounty?

Steem-Bounty is easy to use and understand. Primarily, Steem-Bounty can be used in 2 ways:

3.1. Approach 1: From within SteemIt or any other similar Steem UI

This is a quick way to set Bounty from within an existing Steem UI like This is good for posts which are already there on Steemit and you want to set a bounty on them.

Step 1: Go to your Wallet.

Step 2: Initiate a STEEM/SBD transfer.
Select Transfer from either STEEM or SBD balance in your Wallet.

Step 3: Select account as @steem-bounty to which transfer has to be made.

Step 4: Set the amount of Steem/SBD to be transferred.
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Step 5: Put the POST ON WHICH BOUNTY HAS TO BE SET as the memo.
Here you need to put the link or URL of the post on which you want to set the Bounty.
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Please Note-

  1. If by mistake an invalid URL is entered or the post is already expired, amount will be returned back to your account.
  2. A bounty can also be set on a post where it is already set. The amounts just add up. Also, a post can have both STEEM and SBD set as the bounty.

Step 6: Confirm
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3.2. Approach 2: From Steem-Bounty Website

Steem-Bounty has its own website at- This website has been specifically made to help people figure out all Bounty posts on Steem and create posts with Bounties associated with them. There is no need to make any wallet transfer from Steemit with this approach.

Step 1: Go to
This is the official website of Steem-Bounty project.

Step 2: Click on Login button on the top right of the website.
Logging in to the website is required to write posts, comments and make upvotes from Steem-Bounty website.

Step 3: Authorize Steem-Bounty
After this you would direct to Steem Connect where you need to authorise Steem-Bounty to perform some activities on your behalf.
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Don’t worry! It is completely safe and the official way of authorizing users in apps that are built on top of Steem. Your password or private keys are never stored with Steem-Bounty.

Step 4: Create Post with Bounty
Once logged-in, you would be redirected to homepage. From here you can create a new post.
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Step 5: Set Beneficiaries and Bounties
On the Create post page, besides setting putting the post content you can also set beneficiaries for the payouts of that post along with their percentage shares and also set the Bounty on that post.
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Please Note- Image upload is not yet supported and is under development in the current version.

Step 6: Confirm Wallet Transfer
On the next screen, you would be asked to confirm wallet transfer. Confirm it to complete the process of setting Bounty.
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A success message will be shown on successful transfer.

Step 7: Confirm Bounty has been set.
You can confirm this by visiting the post on or On Steem-Bounty, it would appear in the latest.
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Please Note- It might take few mins before the posts and the Bounty comment shows up. This is because Steem Blockchain network takes some time to register and broadcast the transactions.

4. How to earn Bounty?

So, you have set bounty on a post of yours, but how you can earn bounty yourself? The best way to do so is go to and browse through the homepage for posts where bounties are set. Steem-Bounty makes it easy for users to see bounty posts. Posts are categorised as- Biggest Bounties, Expiring Soon and Latest Bounties. It also supports searching posts by tags.

Once on a post which has bounty set, only task is to give a valuable comment and get upvotes from the community.

5. When is Bounty distributed?

Bounties are distributed soon after Steem blockchain makes out the payouts for that post.
Once the bounties get paid out, a comment is added as reply to the Bounty comment on the post where Bounty was set.
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This comment details out the users and their individual share of Bounty.

6. How to see expired Bounty posts?

Steem makes payout in 7 days for the posts and comments. After that bounties are also paid out. If you want to see past posts on which bounties were set, you may do so by clicking on the Bounties Paid section at the top menu bar of The URL to this section is-

7. People behind Steem-Bounty

Steem-Bounty is an initiative by @knircky and @famunger. Both of them are popular and active community members at Steem.

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