My Journey as a Mother & Artist

Juggling the Two

This is my effort in colouring. To me its therapeutic. Although I draw for family, friends and also customers for payment sometimes the moment there is money involved there will be expectation. When I colour there is no expectation just me and my own acceptance for my work.

I particularly enjoy colouring and sometimes having to wear 3 hats is particularly difficult. I am first a mother, second a wife and finally I am an artist. I do colouring just like how someone would watch their soap opera. I am not really into the television anyway. After the birth of my daughter, it is just about them, their food, their clothes, their toys, their sleep, their health and finally it is only about me and my husband. But it is one joy that I will never give up for the world.

Many of you who knows me on steemit, sees me as a portrait artist. But I am very much into colouring. It is where I think I am allowed to be creative by the blend of colours. In portrait, there is little room for creativity unless I am into caricature. Other than that, the person drawn must look like that person.

Learning Patience

Through the years I learn that I must be patient and being a mother is the best teacher. You can't rush them and if you start to get angry and stern, the slower they will be. It is just like them using reverse psychology on you. But fortunately my children are quite obedient kids and most of the time they get cranky is because they are unwell.

My eldest daughter is like a replica of me. She enjoy her quiet time doing her art. I used to be like that when I was young. Not so much of a people person and I honestly believe that my art block is my best friend. I hope she does not grow up to be socially awkward but as far as her love for art is concerned, I could not be more glad that she is a chip of the old block.

Family Bonding

This is my idea of family time. I did not force them to do art, but they are just very much into it.

To me it is a hard time juggling both these hats. I am only an artist after they go to sleep or before they wake up. So the logo drawn by @cartoonistpandan could not be more accurate about the life of an artist. If I would have to choose again which role I would prioritise, I would choose my kids. Afterall they are my little Picassos. So there is an artist in them even when I am doing my mommy job.

Well, being an artist does not necessary mean that it pays well, but again being happy is not about being highly paid. Lately I have been unwell and it is difficult for me to start some major drawing, so I will be doing some postings about myself and my life and perhaps some simple sketching for the time being until I am discharged from the hospital.

Till then, kindly have me in your prayers, although I know you guys would.

credit to @pinstory for this beautiful avatar

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