Juri Han - Sempusha/Tensenrin

Wait, what's this name...?

Anyways, it's been a while since I trained in Taekwondo, and I'm in a mood to draw some action poses. To be honest, I tried to avoid drawing a lot of taekwondo action because I drew them a lot until now. Can't help it since I've traind in this martial art since I was young.

Anyways, this is the time to draw some taekwondo poses, and I'll use Juri Han, one of the characters indroduced in Super Street Fighter 4 as the subject matter!

Here's the art!

To be quite honest, I'm not too fond with the outcome. Maybe because of the overdone effects and all.

Anyways, the steps!


The sketch is originally quite straight, which for me it's a bit too linear. So I rotate the image to be a bit more dynamic. There are of course some remnant of some base pose sketches but it's pretty much needed for a full pose like this.

Inking/Line art.

Basically I use a thinner line for the face and the details while highlight the art with a thicker line.

Basic colors.

Another one of those simple yet recognizable color pallette. It fits well with her crazy persona as well!


Effects. Basically I use another type o brush to emulate the style of Street Fighter 4 LOL! XP

Oh yeah. I made her eyes glow a bit, but it's not obvious already T_T...

Finally some final adjustments and composition.

Oh! About this character....

Juri was introduced in Super Street Fighter 4 as this twisted and supposedly evil Taekwondo fighter, though she's somewhat of an anti-hero in Street Fighter 5. That makes her unique in that she's a bit twisted than some of the female cast and probably some of the most unique Taekwondo styled characters based on her traits alone. That's a bit of a fresh air after some Taekwondo characters are a bit in the books (well, except for Hwoarang rom TEKKEN coz' he's literally a punk...).

The Sempusha is one of Juri's special moves in Street Fighter 4 while the Tensenrin is is in Street Fighter 5. Both almost have the same animation, thus I lumped those two moves together :P. I'm not well versed into the gameplay of Street Fighter despite being the granddaddy of all fighting games, but I do know that Sempusha is like Ryu's Tatsumaki Senpukyaku (Tornado Kick) while Tensenrin is like the Shoryuken (Dragon Punch).

Anyways, enjoy this crazy fighter XP.



Credits to @zomagic


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