To Draw You Must Close Your Eyes And Sing

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One of my favorite Picasso's famous quotes is "To draw you must close your eyes and sing."
At first I was saying to myself, how the hell to draw with the eyes close? That will be insane! Then, while i was working in my studio, slowly I start to understand what Picasso means with that verse.

From my opinion, it's mean, always paint with a clear mind, drop everything from something that can disturb your focus, Forget about your outstanding bills, don't think about your sulking girlfriend, ignore your annoying neighbour, do not bother if the artwork going to sell or not. Just enjoy your moment while creating art, feel every brush stroke, every drop of colour, nothing else matters.

It's always fasnating to study Picasso's
masterpieces, inspired me to become creative and the same time made me to work harder to improve my skills and technique.

This is the portrait I drew yesterday. A tribute to truly great artist. Pablo Picasso

Here is the process

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I always start with the eyes.I will ensure there is no mistake on these.

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Then i will shading the nose. The nose's highlight is always a tricky part.

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Done shading the lips. To be honest, I was worried at this point, he look like Bruce Willis ! What do you think?

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Shading the ear is important as the eyes. Some portrait artist taking it for granted. I truly understand what they been though. I usually take a long break before start shading the ears

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Done shading the forehead and darken the hair area. Then slowly l move on to shading the cheek

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Sharp eraser to create the grey hair

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Almost done. Approximately after 6 hours along with a late lunch and a big pot of black coffee

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"Picasso" -2018
60 x 42 cm
Charcoal on paper

Thanks for reading my blog. Will see you with a new artwork soon.



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