Steem Cartoon : Every Parent's Proud Day


She is My Daughter

Every parent like to boast about their children and I am no exception. My daughter has always been an outstanding student and so unlike me. She is more like her mother. If she is like me, then she will be spending her time by the river and and drawing under the trees. She even looks like her mother.

My daughter is in a public school. She stays in a hostel and studies in an academic course under a government initiative for students who shows potential.


She completed her SPM Certificate (equivalent to an O'Levels) with oustanding results. I have never seen a straight As result except for in the papers, and now she is making me tear by showing me this. I am a very proud father. I guess every father wishes to be in my shoes. I seldom gloat but lets make this an exception.


You seldom see me without my beanie but for this special occasion I took time to trim my beard and moustache for her big day. This is the prize presentation that took place last year.


This is her receiving her award as the top student in her school.


The yellow sash is given to her in recognition of her achievement in the academic field.


She received a personal congratulatory message from Prof. Dr. Abd. Latiff Bin Mohamed, Vice President (Academic, International Research and Commercialization) Cyberjaya University College Medical Sciences, Malaysia.


She gave a speech as the top student and I was waiting to hear her thank her parents. Yes! She did. She also didnt forget the grace from above. She remembers her religious upbringing too. She attributed her success to us and God. I was beaming with pride. I wanted to stand up, take her microphone just like what Kanye West did and say, yeah that is me, that me her dad! But I held back because I didn't want to embarrass her in front of her friends.


And finally one with her parents. I have two younger daughters and I hope that they take after their sister in terms of perseverance. I think in my family noone is gifted with extraordinar talent but everyone is told that they can do it if they put their mind and effort to it. I am glad that she proved she is daddy's girl.

I think @perennial once told me a chinese proverb that says,



She did well in maths and science. I was very bad in those subjects. But science I know the human anatomy because I draw. She plans to do Actuarial Science but as a father and after knowing Steemit I am kinda thinking that perhaps she should try blockchain and crypto, but its her future, so the best is for her to determine her path. It is no longer the situation where Daddy knows best.

credit to @zomagic

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