DuoDraw Art Contest February - Agape

title agape.jpg

For The DuoDraw contest organized by @hanbun, we are given a choice of two topics to choose from to illustrate. Eros and Agape. For this entry I choose Agape.

Agape has many different meanings. My interpretation is "the love of God for man and of man for God"

My idea for this piece is that it's all perspective. We see a POV of that of an insect looking up at this humongous human chasing after a butterfly.


I am going all digital for this using the software photoshop. I also wanted to do it in black and white, which is also a good chance for me to work on my values.

So this is a very rough blocking in that I did. It looks terrible now I know, but it's gonna get better I promise!


Now I have a better silhouette going on. I am pretty confident with the "camera angle". Now lets define the shapes further.


The guy looks pretty creepy here. I was tempted to make him a humanoid/alien, but felt that the overall message would be lost.


Now that I have my rough shapes in , I started to put some lighting in the scene.


By now I felt that he didn't seem gigantic enough to the viewer, so I shrunk down his entire upper body. Overall I'm happy with the direction the painting is heading. Now I'm comfortable with fixing the detailing. His Hands, in particular, need some special attention.




After adding in some background brush strokes, it's a wrap!



Owh look, Here's a progress animation. Those are always fun to watch.


What do you think of it?

Thanks for dropping by,
until next time


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The logo designed by @cartoonistpandan and the banner by @orenisme!

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