Now Track Your Voting Percentage Renewal!
You are probably noticing your voting power going down faster with the new changes brought by HF19. I decided to update the Chrome Extension to now allow you to see the time frame until you reach 100%. It will update as you make new votes and just shows until you will reach 100%. If you are already within less then 10% of 100% then it will not display.
Future Features
I hope to keep adding more features and also want to build a menu to allow you to turn on and off the features that appeal to you. The basic idea of this Chrome Extension is to allow you to see additional information on
JS Code
The code is pretty simple and is just an additional function that you can see below. I would love feedback on the values I am using and if they are accurate. I found a few posts mentioning how voting power regenerates, but I am not sure if they are 100% correct.
You can install the Chrome Extension here.
Thanks for checking it out and hope you like the changes! 😀
If it helps you then feel free to RESTEEM!